Long-term effect of stocking density on survival, growth performance, and yield of the sea urchin St

来源 :“全球变化下的海洋与湖沼生态安全”学术交流会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alexkent
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  Sea urchins were stocked at a density of 15(D15),30(D30),45(D45)and 60(D60)urchin/cage(0.2×0.3×0.4 m3)in a laboratory culture environment for 16 months.The body weight(BW)growth was monitored at an interval of two months during the whole experimental period.At the conclusion of the experiment,the survival sea urchins were counted and the gonad wet weight(GW)and gonad colour were measured.Special growth rate(SGR)of body weight,survival rate(SR),gonad index(GI),gonad colour difference(ΔE00),coefficients of variation of BW,GWW,GI and ΔE00,yield of BW and yield of GWW per cage were calculated.Over the experimental period,mean weight of the sea urchin under different stocking densities decreased as the density increased.Density significantly affected final BW,SGR,GWW and GI(P<0.01),with the density D(15)had the best performance and the D(60)performed the worst in all the four variables.However,density had no significantly effect on SR.There was a significant effect of density on gonad colour(ΔE00)(P<0.05)with the D(15)the best.Coefficient of variation of BW decreased as the sea urchin grew.Sea urchins held at low densities achieved a more uniform BW,GWW and GI than those held at high densities.An increase in total yield of BW so as GWW with increased density was observed and could be described by the following equations: Yield of BW(g)= 16.8 □ R2=(0.850),Yield of GWW(g)= 1.1□ density + 58.3(R2=0.363).However,when the sea urchins of which the GI over 10%or 12.5%were selected,there were no significant differences among the four density treatments in the yield of BW and GWW.
有壳虫是一类常见的自由生活原生动物,它们个体小、丰度高、多样性高,在水生态系统物质循环和能量流动中发挥承上启下的关键作用.由于有壳虫繁殖周期短、对环境变化敏感,具有抗腐蚀性的壳体,在沉积物中可长期保存并记录短时间尺度环境变化的细节,因此,在国际学术界有壳虫逐渐被作为一种新的生物指标用于指示环境和气候变化.2012年7-8 月,我们在中国沿纬度梯度选择51个典型的湖泊水库(北纬23-50度),研究表
目的:合浦珠母贝(Pinctada fucata)是世界海水珍珠生产的主要养殖品种,也是近岸海洋生态系统的重要组成物种,合浦珠母贝养殖产业兼具经济价值和生态效益。随着全球气候变化的加剧,由二氧化碳排放所导致的海洋酸化和暖化现象正引起人们的关注,其对海洋贝类生长、发育、繁殖和特有的贝壳生物矿化过程都产生了不利的影响,反映出贝类健康状况的系列变化。海洋酸化和暖化也影响贝类免疫调节系统,血细胞在不同生理
目前,青藏高原气候变暖的速度是全球平均速度的3倍,并通过改变湖泊水温和盐度来影响湖泊生态系统。本文研究了36个青藏高原湖泊(海拔梯度2 300米,盐度梯度76 g L-1)的浮游动物组成特征,探讨气候变化对湖泊生态系统可能产生的影响。浮游动物种类多度随着盐度的上升显著下降,而且在无捕食者湖泊中下降趋势比有捕食都湖泊更为剧烈。但是,浮游动物种类多度变化与温度相关性不显著。浮游动物种类组成随着盐度的上
以越冬后即将进入蜕皮的幼蟹为研究对象,采用生化分析方法,探讨了中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)幼蟹蜕皮周期肝胰腺及肌肉脂类的动态变化.本研究将其蜕皮周期分为蜕皮前期(D期)、蜕皮期(E期)、蜕皮后期(AB期)和蜕皮间期(C),C细分为C1、C2期.研究表明,肝胰腺总脂含量在蜕皮各期有明显的差异(P<0.05),从D期到C2期呈现先下降再上升趋势,其中D期最高,AB期最低,C1、C
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