An Analysis of Factors Affecting Rural Households' Borrowing Behavior--Based on the Investigati

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  China covers a vast area, which leads to the unbalanced developing level of agriculture and agricultural economy.There exists difference in the preference of rural households borrowing behavior and the constitution of rural financial market, due to the disparate development of economy in different areas and the different stages of rural economic development.As a result, the demand and supply of rural households borrowing is bound to possess its own features.Guangdong is one of the economically well-developed province in China and also the distinct unbalanced area in regional development.The task force of "Research into the Situation of Rural Households Capital Requirements and Mechanism of Amount Supply in Guangdong Province" has conducted a questionnaire survey in certain areas such as the economically well-developed cities of Zhongshan and Conghua, the less-developed city of Zhanjiang and the undeveloped city of Yingde, aiming to discover the rural households borrowing behavior under the unbalanced economical developing level in the well-developed area in China.And then the factors affecting the rural households borrowing behavior could be analyzed, which would be very helpful to the reformation of rural financial system.
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