Boronyls as Terminal Ligands in Boron Oxide Clusters: Ethylene-like D2h B6O4 2-/- and Hexagonal Ring

来源 :第十二届全国量子化学会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangkanli
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Analogous to CN,BO[1] has recently emerged as an interesting new concept(boronyl)in cluster science.[2] Herein we predict three new boron boronyl clusters,the perfectly planar B6O4-(D2h,2B3u),B6O4 2-(D2h,1Ag)and B6O4(C2v,1A1),which are established as the global-minimum at DFT and CCSD(T)levels.D2h B6O4 2-/-possess an ethylene-like structure which can be formulated as B2(BO)4 2-/-featuring a B=B double bond as the core with four boronyl groups attached terminally,closely resembling ethylene in structure and chemical bonding and obtainable from the latter via isovalent BO/H substitution.[3] Detailed canonical molecular orbital(CMO)analyses also reveal that both C2H4 and B6O4 2-/-possess one 2c-2e σ-bond and one localized 2c-2e π-bond which are analogous in nature(Fig.1).Neutral B6O4 features a hexgonal B4O2 ring with two terminal BO(η1-BO)and possesses three delocalized 6c-2e π-bonds covering the hexagonal ring,which can be viewed as a boron anlogy of benzene(Fig.2).Furthermore,we simulated the photoelectron spectroscopy of the B6O4-to facilitate its future experimental characterization.Our investigation provides new examples for the BO/H isolobal analogy,electron transmutation from B to C(in B2(BO)4 2-/-),and enriches the chemistry of boron.
以pH2-CO 或 oD2-CO 和 pH2-pH2,oD2-oD2,或 pH2-He 两体势能之间加和作为势能面1,2,通过准确的束缚态计算,我们预测了CO-(pH2)2,CO-(oD2)2和 CO-pH2-He 的红外与微波光谱。通过分析实验文献3,4,到目前为止总共有4条跃迁已经被指认,其中3条是在红外区域,1条位于微波区域,这与我们理论预测的非常一致。基于跃迁选律,我们预测了J≤3的跃迁,
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