Functional Connectivity strength Predict consciousness Level and recovery Outcome in patients with d

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhghliu
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  Objective:To investigate the relationship between magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)manifestations and level of consciousness,and find regions or networks which can act as biomarkers for consciousness level and recovery outcome in patients with disorders of consciousness.Methods:Selecting Data of MRI manifestations of patients with brain injury at Department of Neurosurgery,Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital,from 2013 to 2015,analyzing the relationship their MRI manifestations and level of consciousness in all patients,and functional connectivity strength(FCS)of resting state networks and consciousness level and recovery outcome in patients with disorders of consciousness.Results:A total of 19 patients out of 36 cases were with disorders of consciousness,their MRI results show the rate of lesions in corpus callosum,the medial prefrontal and brainstem is higher than conscious patients.From resting state functional MRI results,we found decreased FCS with loss of consciousness primarily distributed in Default mode network(DMN)and Executive control network(ECN).The FCS values of left inferior temporal and parietal gyrus,which belong to the ECN were significantly correlatedwith consciousness level,and the FCS values of precuneus,a part of DMN,was corrected with recovery outcome.Conclusion:In conclusion,patients with lesions in corpus callosum,medial prefrontal cortexand brainstemare easily resulted in unconsciousness.Our results also indicate that functional connectivity strengths of ECN and DMNcould serve as indicators for consciousness level and recovery outcome in patients with disorders of consciousness.
目的 探讨ASIR-Ⅴ算法在婴幼儿活体肝移植手术前后腹部低剂量增强CT评估中的最佳迭代率.方法 20例行腹部低剂量增强CT检查的活体肝移植婴幼儿年龄平均(14.9±7.1)月,每例患儿图像由滤过反向投影(Filtered back projection,FBP)及ASIR-Ⅴ(Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction-Ⅴ)迭代率为0%、20%、40
目的 探讨骶前间隙少见疾病表皮样囊肿,分析其临床病理、影像表现特点和鉴别诊断.方法 回顾性分析经病理证实的表皮样囊肿患者3例,均行MR常规平扫、增强、DWI、T2压脂序列及T2长TE扫描.结果 共3例患者,女3例,年龄30~60岁.2例表现为会阴及肛周酸胀,临床直肠指诊均触及到硬而富有弹性的肿物.3例病灶均位于骶尾骨前直肠后间隙;囊肿呈椭圆形改变,界限清晰.3例患者MR检查肿瘤囊液T1WI略高于脑
目的 分析儿童不典型骨肉瘤的临床、影像及病理学特征,以提高其诊断水平.方法 回顾性分析4例经病理证实的儿童不典型骨肉瘤资料并结合文献深入分析其临床、影像和病理学表现.4例均行X线平片,3例行MRI检查,2例行CT检查,其中1例同时行CT检查和MRI检查.
Purpose Aim to investigate the incidence and risk factors associated with AKI in HCC patients received TACE treatment.Methods This study enrolled 380 HCC patients who received a total of 453 TACE trea
近些年来肝癌的发病率在全球呈上升趋势.而且据预测,未来十年也讲仍然保持这一现状.肝癌也是我国的一个重大问题,中国的肝癌病例站全世界总是得百分之五十五.原发性肝癌(primary hepatic carcinoma)是严重威胁人类生命和健康的重要疾病,为我国恶性肿瘤第二位死因,5年生存率不足5%.目前肝癌的主要治疗手段是手术、介入栓塞化疗及肝移植等.总之,原发性肝癌是一个全球范围内常见的恶性肿瘤之一
目的:对评估乳腺癌患病风险的标志物磁共振背景实质强化(BPE)进行定量研究.由于以前的BPE量化研究与BPE定性评估缺乏相关性.本实验通过标准化BPE定性评估验证3D BPE量化方法.方法:选择180例磁共振成像患者(从2014年12月—2016年3月),采用严格的入组标准.选取最具代表性BPE量化分级(微弱、轻度、中度、显著)的84例患者.采用盲法进行分析,在平扫和增强图像上勾画乳腺纤维腺体组织
Objective: To explore WM diffusion changes across the whole brain in patients with CIS and MS,this study utilized the tractbased spatial statistics(TBSS)method based on DTI to assess whether and how d
目的 观察分析垂体柄阻断综合征的MRI表现特点.方法 回顾性分析经临床、实验室检查证实的垂体柄阻断综合征患者5例,所有病例均行3.0T MRI检查.结果 垂体柄阻断综合征表现为垂体柄缺如、中断或明显变细,垂体后叶异位,同时可合并垂体前叶发育不良.其中1例患者初诊时垂体后叶异位呈T1WI等信号,复诊时呈高信号.结论 垂体柄的损伤可能是进行性加重的.垂体磁共振成像检查是确诊垂体柄阻断综合征最重要和最直
Purpose: To investigate the feasibility of using CT texture analysis(CTTA)to differentiate between low-versus high-grade urothelial carcinoma.Methods: A total of 105 patients with histologically prove
目的:对介入手术室医院感染的因素,并探讨相应的对策.方法:选取2014年10月-2015年10月介入手术室病例500例作为对照组,对这500例病例出现医院感染的几率以及因素进行分析;选取2015年1月-2016年1月介入手 术室病例500例作为实验组,在此期间实施医院感染控制对策;对比2组介入手术室医院感染的发生机率. 结果:导致出现介入手术室医院感染的主要原因包括介入手术室不合理布局、医院感染管