Tryptophyllin peptides from frog skin and their characteristics

来源 :2014年中国药学大会暨第十四届中国药师周 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyj3221
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  Among all amphibian skin peptides,many isolated from different amphibian species have similarities in structure such that they can be classified into different families.However,the tryptophyllins (TPHs) are a special family in that they are small peptides with heterogeneous structures.Their name indicates a family of tryptophan-containing peptides,although not all contain this amino acid residue.Most of these TPHs have been found from the tree frog family Hylidae,predominantly South American leaf frogs from genus Phyllomedusa and Australian tree frogs from the genus Litoria.In recent years,more research focuses on discovery of TPHs from frog skin secretions and a few of them have been identified to have biological activities.This review gives a comprehensive and systematic introduction to the tryptophyllin peptides from frog skin for the first time,describes the TPHs discovery,the relations between the structures and functions and the acting receptor of some peptides from this family.
@许飞琼$武汉大学社会保障研究所!副教授 @ Xu Feiqiong $ Wuhan University Social Security Institute! Associate Professor
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