Use Crowd Sourcing Tools to build The Next Generation Phenomic Tree of Life-Using Cyclotella as an e

来源 :The 23rd International Diatom Symposium (第23届国际硅藻大会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lfq_1
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The present revolution in the field of genomies was made possible in large part by advances in computer science and bioinformatics.This revolution has been applied to diatom systematics with great success.Millions to billions of DNA sequences can be generated both cheaply and quickly.In contrast, phenomic data collection has remained prohibitively slow.Phenomic characters represent a rich source of data on biodiversity,and they enable scientists to reconstruct the evolutionary history oftaxa, such as fossils.
In marine coastal habitats, some species of planktonic diatoms form resting spores if they are in adverse conditions.Nutrients play an important role in the res
Wujiang and Chishui River tributary of Yangtze River is the most important level.Wujiang river and chishui nitrogen and phosphorus and heavy metal of pollution.
The global climate changed significantly during the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition,and a worldwide aridification occurred.In order to investigate the influence
The south-east margin of Tibet is highly sensitive to global environmental change pressures, in particular, climate warming and high contemporary reactive nitro
The diatom genus Neidium Pfitzer is characterized by having longitudinal canals along the valve margins, bifurcate external distal raphe ends, and in many speci
Although Hasle & Sims reviewed the genus Stellarima and emended its generic description, a detailed survey of its fossil and living species has yet to be conduc
The genus Hantzschia Grunow belongs to the family Bacillariaceae Ehrenberg.It is difficult to diagnose, although some consider the genus to be a natural group,
Diatom assemblages associated with mosses and other wet substrates have been collected in Korean peninsula.Among aerophilous diatoms, the genus Humidophila Lowe
Currently, there are many diatom indexes for water environment monitoring that based on species, abumdance, diversity of diatoms, but the index based on physiol
The species 4ctinocyclus tenuissimus is a marine planktonic diatom distributed in tropical areas, little known and little studied.Based on the successful establ