Colorimetric and Fluorescent Detection of G-quadruplex Based on Isaindigotone Analogue

来源 :第九届IUPAC化学生物学国际研讨会暨第八届世界华人药物化学研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ly110
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  Development of highly sensitive and selective probes to detect nucleic acids has long been a focus of biomedical reserch.G-quadruplexes are unique secondary structures formed by G-rich nucleic acid sequences in many pivotal genomic regions.1Recent years,much effort has being made to exploit the fluorescence probes to detect these structures.2 Up to now,most of the G-quadruplex probes exhibited only one kind of signal,such as colorimetric,fluorescent or electrochemical signals,thus it would be highly valuable to develop probes that achieve the combination of different outputs.
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