Initial stages of soil regeneration on the mining grounds of quarries on the Russian North-West

来源 :第四届城市、工业、交通和矿山土壤国际会议(The 4th International Conference on Sol | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robben11
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  The complex investigation of plant-soil cover regeneration on the territory of mining-quarries complexes of the Russian north-west allows to generilize the main genetic and evolutionary tendencies in replantozems and young soils development in technogenous ecosystems under the influence of such factors as mining spoilbanks composition,specific characteristics of posttechnogenous relief and plant succession parameters.During the initial stages of ecosystems regeneration the ecological and genetic base of soil regeneration is closely related to the organic matter accumulation and transformation.The speed of humus accumulation during the first years of soil regeneration is very high.The speed and specific features of this process is influenced by intensity of plant community development and its productivity.Further,(during 20-50 years) the intensity of biogenic-accumulation processes decreases rapidly.On this stage the processes of organic matter transformation,humifieation,humus profile formation and differentiation,organic and mineral compounds interaction became more active.The maximum influence of parent materials composition and features on the humus formation and accumulation fixed on this stage.So,the first 4-5 decades are most important in regeneration soil formation.During this period the quantitative characteristics of organic residues input and transformation of organic matter in soil became more balanced and general trend of soil profile development became more determined.A comparison of speed and general trends of soil regeneration on different types of parent materials (clays,sands,technogenous substrates,carbonate and granite flastones,loams,organo-mineral mixtures,dusty grounds) allows to understand a basic properties of lithogenical substrates which can be identified as limiting for initial soil formation.Comparison of regeneration potential of natural ecosystems and artificial communities give an additional information and recommendation for land recultivation in sense of increasing of young ecosystems stability in biosphere.
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