Second-Harmonic Reduction in CMUTs Using Unipolar Pulsers

来源 :2015两岸超声技术与医学研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vacer2008
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Background, Motivation and Objective Linear behavior of ultrasonic transducers is a stringent requirement in nonlinear ultrasound imaging. In addition to linearity, high transmit pressure capability is necessary to successfully address tissue harmonic imaging. High-voltage-driven Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (CMUTs) behave nonlinearly, due to the nonlinear relation between the applied voltage and the generated electrostatic force. A possible linearization approach, extensively investigated in literature, consists in applying predistorted analog excitation signals with a spectral content such as to compensate the harmonic distortion introduced by CMUTs. This method requires the use of high-voltage linear transmitters, limiting its possible implementation only in high-end imaging systems.
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