MYB regulators of anthocyanin biosynthesis directly modulate the vacuolar transport system in apple

来源 :2015全国植物生物学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiaxing19871215
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Tonoplast transporters,including proton pumps and secondary transporters,are essential for plant cell function and also important for quality formation of fleshy fruits and ornamentals.Vacuolar transport of anthocyanins,malate and other metabolites is directly or indirectly dependent on the H+-pumping activities of vacuolar H+-ATPase(VHA) and/or pyrophosphatase(VHP),but how these proton pumps are regulated in modulating vacuolar transport is largely unknown.Here,we report a transcription factor MdMYB1 in apple,which binds to the promoters of two genes encoding the B subunits of VHA,MdVHA-B1 and MdVHA-B2,to transcriptionally activate its expression,thereby enhancing the VHA activity.
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