Characterization of Glycerol Phosphate Oxidase from Streptococcus pneumoniae and Its Application for

来源 :2015中国酶工程与糖生物工程学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junr
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Glycerol phosphate oxidase from Streptococcus pneumoniae (GPOs.pne) was purified and characterized.Using the one-pot four-enzyme system we developed before (Scheme 1), a series of ketoses including four rare sugars were synthesized by replacing the commercial GPOS.the from Streptococcus thermophilus with GPOs.pne.The scale of the preparative synthesis is about 100 milligram in this study and the reaction system could be easily magnified if necessary.Considering the useful application of GPO in generating the expensive substrate DHAP, we believe this method could contribute to the preparation of more other useful carbohydrates and derivatives.
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为评判我国重要经济水产物种中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)育苗工作亲本的投放性比(♀∶♂=2~3∶1)的合理性,通过室内连续交配实验,对雄性个体的生殖潜力进行了研究,结果显示:雄蟹具备完成3次连续交配活动的生殖潜力;个体丧失交配能力前,贡献了近65%的精子(1011个)等雄性产物;多次交配活动并没有对雌蟹的个体繁殖力产生影响;雌蟹抱卵后,纳精囊重亦没有出现明显的偏差,实验条件和基
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