Impact of Weather and Road Surface Condition on Urban Freeway Speed:a Case Study in Lowa

来源 :2017年世界交通运输大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lequ123123
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  This paper focuses on analysing and quantifying the impact of adverse weather and road surface conditions on average traffic speed of an urban freeway in Des Moines,Iowa,US.The detailed traffic,weather and road surface condition data at two sites of I-235 are collected for analysis.Multiple linear regression model is used to quantify the relationship between average traffic speed and various weather and road surface condition indicators.
隧道群成为山区高速公路事故高发的特殊路段,探索隧道群事故发生特征,揭示其事故高发原因显得尤为重要。本文基于驾驶员在隧道群行驶过程中视觉变化特性,提出了隧道群"五区段"划分方法,并采集典型山区高速公路隧道群路段2012-2016 年期间历史事故、交通流量数数据,对各区段事故发生风险及其影响因素进行探究。研究发现(1)隧道群两相邻隧道连接段事故风险最高,其次为隧道入口转换段,普通路段事故风险最低;(2
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