Research on the Curriculum System of Popularity of Intellectual Property in Colleges and Universitie

来源 :2011年信息技术、服务科学与工程管理国际学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lingxiaodong
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  The popularity education of intellectual property in colleges and universities is of important and practical meaning, however, the forces being imposed on the popularity education of intellectual property in colleges and universities currently are not strong enough, which can been seen from the fact that there are very limited courses about intellectual property opened in colleges and universities.a curriculum system of intellectual property, which can both satisfy the demand of teaching practices of higher education as well as that of students at different levels, has not yet been established.Guided by the general objective of popularity education of intellectual property in colleges and universities, the article took the current development status of the higher education in China into consideration and put forward an initial plan for the curriculum system of popularity education of intellectual property in colleges and universities.
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