Atomic Scale Modelling for Real Nuclear Engineering Problems

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lijingbo1985
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  Simulating material properties and fundamental material behaviour has a number of very important advantages over pure experimental work.This is a purposely a rather all-encompassing statement and the best way to demonstrate this is to give some examples that exemplify the advantages, show the short comings and explore how every institution can benefit from material modelling to some extent.The four examples to be considered are not strategic examples but highlight the breadth and expediency of simulations on the atomic scale (and how they can be used to save a few thousand Yuan).These subjects are:ZrB2, a burnable poison for boiling water reactor fuel control.Fission product behaviour in UO2 and effects of extended burnups and variation in stoichiometry.The effect of alloying elements and common impurities in beryllium metal, a candidate fusion material.Modelling pyrochlore and defective fluorite oxides for waste management purposes.By having an understanding of the fundamental material behaviour, engineering predictions can be used to focus research, target niché areas or un-explored material compositions or manufacture techniques or simply predict whether an engineering component will work to its required specifications well.
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1983~1989连续7年,在本乡邢家庄果园(旱地)进行树盘覆草,共60亩,为砂质粘土;品种有金冠、红星、国光等,树龄15~20年生;株行距5x6m。 1983年每株树先分4个穴施入尿素、复合肥各1
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  A new method for identifying the presence of hot spots in the core of a nuclear reactor is proposed and then applied in a demonstration exercise relevant to