Experience from the traditional Chinese medicine master Liu Zhiming's treatment on coronary hea

来源 :世界中医药学会联合会第二届老年医学专业委员会换届会暨2015学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ctty1
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  The amount of elderly coronary heart disease patient is very huge, and this disease affects elder's health seriously.In traditional Chinese medicine's theory, it belongs to the "chest pain"category, and the traditional Chinese medicine treatment has a great advantage in curing this disease and improving elder's quality of life.The traditional Chinese medicine master Liu Zhiming, who has been working as a doctor for 70 years, has his own unique insights in treatment on coronary heart disease in elder.He has the ideas that the heart yang deficiency is the core pathogenesis of the elderly coronary heart disease, kidney yin deficiency is the root of the disease;The kidney deficiency effect the heart, which can cause the deficiency of heart yin and yang.The treatment principle is to nourish the deficiency.Considering of the spleen and stomach deficiency caused by the disease's long period in elder, the patients should not be nourished too much.They should be nourished lightly and slowly, tonifying with activating the yin and yang, which can simultaneous cure the principal and subordinate symptoms.The treatment principle can be summarized as follows: tonifying the kidney, activating the yang, eliminating pathogenic, tonifying the five viscera.The main syndrome of the disease is kidney yin deficiency and heart Yang deficiency and blood stasis.Professor Liu commonly uses GualouXiebaiBanxia decoction and ShouwuYianshou Dan to cure this disease, uses some couplet medicines such as root of tuber fleece flower and chinese angelica to treat the heart and kidney, uses sun dried ginseng and dried rehmannia root to tonify the kidney, uses snakegourd fruit and Allium macrostemon Bunge to eliminating stagnation and activate yang, uses salvia miltiorrhizaand and pseudo ginseng to dispel blood stasis, which can get satisfied effect.
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