
来源 :湖北省细胞生物学学会2015年会员代表大会暨学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:silent_control
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  干旱已是严重威胁水稻健康的主要恶性"肿瘤"之一.会给处于生长关键期的水稻带来非常大的影响,甚至"绝收".因此研究相关抗旱基因来提高水稻抗旱能力迫在眉睫.OsCBSCBSPB1基因属于胱硫醚β合成酶(cystathionine beta synthase,CBS)结构域超家族,研究表明,该家族有可能参与植物非生物胁迫应答.因此探讨该基因的相关功能来解析植物的抗旱机理尤为重要.
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It has been proposed that hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS4B protein triggers the membranous HCV replication compartment,but the underlying molecular mechanism is not
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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is frequently linked with pathogen infection-induced chronic inflammation.This study demonstrated that the tumour suppressor seri
Since 2000,sporadic imported cases of dengue fever were documented almost every year in Yunnan Province,China.Unexpectedly,a large-scale outbreak of dengue viru
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Purpose:This study aimed to explore the aberrant status of innate immune response-related gene NFATc3 and its potential function in HBV-related hepatocellular c
The increasing emergence of multi-drug resistant streptococci poses a serious threat to public health worldwide.Bacteriophage lysins are promising altematives t
  In the genome of bacteria dormant bacteriophages(called prophages)can be activated by chemicals.These bacteriophages may infect related bacteria,and thus ha
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