Sequence and structure Analysis of lincRNA binded to microRNA competing with target mRNA in ovarian

来源 :第六届全国生物信息学与系统生物学学术大会暨国际生物信息学前沿研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:netbaby
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  Background: There are about more than 12,000 lincRNAs in the human genome.LincRNA was once thought to be genome transcriptional "noise".With in-depth study of lincRNAs, researchers find that lincRNAs are involved in regulating multiple biological processes and some of which act as "microRNA sponge".Although it is widely recognized that lincRNA is a competitive endogenous RNA, the biological features of lincRNAs binding to microRNA are rarely studied.Additionally, vast researches have shown that microRNA plays a role in regulation of ovarian serous adenocarcinoma.We deduced that lincRNA is also related to ovarian serous adenocarcinoma.
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