
来源 :西南交通大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:newrevon
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In our days, metro system is high- and in full measure, developed mode of transport. For a long time, already, it is not just a train in a concrete tube. It is a complicated complex with multilevel element intercommunications, feedbacks and dependences.  Since 1863, when there was built the first metro in London, there has started constant and speeding development of all branches and technical parts of metro. Since very beginning, and until now, trains and wagons were inherent part of system. First step was using steam trains and pulling wagons, and then steam trains were replaced and electric trains came on the stage. It was beginning of long era of electric trains.  The main part, of electric train, which was always in the top, of engineers interests, was always the train motor. It had been to be good enough, to work for a long time in uncomfortable start-brake mode, it had been to be big enough, to be powerful and small enough, to be installed in bounded space on the rolling stock, it had been to be well controlled in proper way and proper moment. Later, engineers started to make it as more efficient, as possible.  Finally, in our days, we already have metro trains, meeting all these requirements and they have asynchronous motors with programming frequency modifier, without any consumption in resistors, they dont have collector or any rubbing parts, except bearings. There is removed option, to get ring fire. In this moment, we can say, that motors are almost developed till the top range of their evolution age.  And the next step in rolling stock development is to refuse of wheels and start to use new motors, with basically new principals of energy applying and distribution. The fast-speed Maglev had already proved its advantages in the long-distance railroads. But its applying for metro systems is just in a very beginning. The procedures and technical decisions are not made yet. And there is arisen first basic need - to compare Maglev and metro rolling stock, if Maglev is able to meet specified restraints and requirements of metro systems.  The overall objective of FTAs program was "to develop magnetic levitation technology that is a cost effective, reliable, and environmentally sound transit option for urban mass transportation in the United States." FTA organized its program to be conducted in three progressive phases: evaluation of proposed system concept, prototype subsystems development, and system integration and deployment planning. Based on the performance of researchers in each phase, FTA would authorize work to continue to the next phase. This program structure encouraged a competitive environment for participants in each phase of the UML, but also required performance-based independent assessments for the participants to advance.  Also, Maglev researches were running in Germany, Japan, and Switzerland. But nobody was doing comparison and researches for low-speed Maglev, for metro application.  An aim of this project is to make a research and final comparison of different types of rolling stock, are to be used in metro system of urban metro-system. Research will be done for traditional wheel rolling stock and low-speed MAGLEV. The comparison will be based on the research results of approaches, used for the wheel rolling stock and adapted for MAGLEV.  
《International Journal of Mineral Processing》2009年92卷第1/2期刊登T.Motsi等人文章,介绍用天然沸石吸附酸性矿山废水(AMD)中重金属的研究结果。为了确定天然沸石处理A