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We have investigated in detail the influence of defect on the focusing of electromagnetic waves in a two-dimensional photonic-crystal flat lens by using the fin
The microscopic structures and the bonding properties of Y-doped and undoped (0118)/[0441]/180° (∑37) grain boundaries in alumina are investigated by using ab
We present a scheme for quantum state sharing of an arbitrary qudit state by using nonmaximally entangled generalized Greenberger-Hoe-Zeilinger (GHZ) states as
The films of two x-shape oligo(thiophene)s, 3, 4-dibithienyl-2, 5-dithienylthiophene (TT) and 2, 5-dibithienyl-3, 4-ditrithienylthiophene (11T), which are prepa
The splitting of potential energy levels for ground state X2пg of Ox2 (x = +1,-1) under spin-orbit coupling(SOC) has been calculated by using the spin-orbit (S
The character of forming long-range contacts affects the three-dimensional structure of globular proteins deeply.As the difierent ability to form long-range con