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维生素C (Vitamin C,Vc)是植物自身合成的抗氧化剂,对植物的生长发育具有重要的生理功能。维生素C的缺乏也会严重影响人类的身体健康,但是人类和一些灵长类动物由于体内缺乏合成维生素C的最后一个酶,所以必须从膳食中获取。因此提高食物中的Vc含量和利用Vc增强作物抗逆能力的研究显得尤为重要。水稻是禾本科作物的重要模式植物,也是世界重要粮食作物之一;通过转基因的途径提高植物体内Vc含量,进而改善植物营养品质和提高抗逆能力,是一个重要的研究方向。本研究围绕提高水稻Vc含量这一目标,在本实验室
An investigation on the correlation between amorphous Si (a-Si) domains and Er3+ emission in the Er-doped hydrogenated amorphous silicon suboxide (a-Si:O:H) fil
Erbium-doped glasses showing a wide 1.55?m emission band are reported ina novel heavy metal oxyfluoride glass system SiO2-PbO-PbF2 and their optical properties
a-Si:H/SiO2 multilayers were prepared by alteatively changing plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition of a-Si:H layers and in situ plasma oxidation process.
We present an efficient scheme for preparation of the multi-atom W state via cavity quantum electrodynamics.Involved in this scheme are n identical two-level at
Based on group theory and atomic and molecular reaction statics, this paper derives the possible electronic states of C22+ , C22- and C23+, and their reasonable
In this paper, we investigate the modulation instability for generating femtosecond pulses in fibres with slowlydecreasing dispersion. Higher-order dispersion a