Solubility of Hydrogen sulfide in Aqueous Alkanolamine Solutions: Experimental Work and Modeling

来源 :天津大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlf844767898
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Aqueous amine solutions are widely used in the industry for acid gas removal. Although the acid gases removal is a well known industrial operation that has been in use over 70 years; ithas been found that the acid gases solubility data reported in literature by different investigators are inconsistent.In order to treat natural gas or refinery process streams, an accurate knowledge of acid gases solubility data such as Hydrogen Sulfide in aqueous amine solutions is required. In this work,new equilibrium measurements on 5.6 wt% MEA, 8.5 wt% MEA, 11.6 wt% MEA, 26.3wt% MDEA, 36.3 wt% MDEA, 46.3 wt% MDEA, 26.3 wt% MDEA+ 5.6 wt% MEA, and36.3 wt% MDEA+ 8.5 wt% MEA aqueous solutions with H2S have been produced. Theexperimental Hydrogen Sulfide partial pressure and temperature were varied from 0.358 to49.491 kPa and from 298.15 t0 333.15 K respectively while the system total pressure waskept around atmospheric pressure.All the systems considered in this work consist of a two phase vapor-liquid multicomponentsystems.  Gases were supplied to the Stirred Equilibrium Cell which was operated under theStatic Mode. A Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium was established in a Stirred Equilibrium Cellsurrounded by a glass vesseljacket through which circulates heated water from the water bath.The equilibrium composition of both liquid and vapor phases was determined by IodometricTitration.A thermodynamic model is used to predict the VLE composition. Liquid phase non-idealitiesare accounted by the electrolyte-NRTL equation treating both long-range electrostaticinteractions and short-range binary interactions between liquid phase species whereas vaporphase non-idealities are accounted by the Redlich-Kwong-Soave Equation of State. Thepredicted H2S partial pressures have been found to be in good agreement with experimentaldata based on the fact that for most of solubility data presented in this work the deviationerror is less than 5%.
唐古特大黄(Rheum tanguticum Maxim.ex Balf.)为蓼科(Polygonaceae)大黄属多年生草本植物,传统药用部位为其干燥根和根状茎,其应用已有悠久的历史。本研究应用植物解剖学、组织