Evaluations of Learner-centered and Topic-based Approach of New College English

来源 :浙江大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nadiazhao
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The purpose of this thesis is to find out the applicability and the acceptability of New College English in college English learning.This study is based on a survey that involved 2437 students from 14 universities.These university freshmen and sophomores have rated NCE on items gleaned from the macrocosmic and microcosmic perspectives.The studentsportrait of this set of textbooks is that NCE is developed with a focus on the learners,that is learner-centredness;it is implemented and managed according to the needs of the learners and effective second language learning and effective development of social and academic communicative competence;it is integrated with the language learning and the comprehensive development of the studentsabilities;it achieves a highly appreciated balance between the four language skills,and integrate them so well that work in one skill area helps the others;it provides a climate that encourages students to be active agents in their learning and the teacher acts as a guide but not a controller and it also achieves an acceptable balance between knowledge about the language and practive in using the language.The study reveals that more efforts should be made to encourage teachers to update their concepts of language teaching and improve the relationship between teachers and students,that is,more attention should be paid to the affective factors of the learners.