The Study of China's Non-tariff Barriers on Imported Thai Fruits

来源 :中国海洋大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tkartist
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The international trade between Thailand and China has been developed for a long time.Among the products traded between the two countries,China has been recognized as the most important importers of Thai fruits.  In 2003,Thailand and China have cooperated in "the Accelerated Tariff Elimination under the Early Harvest Program",also known as "Thailand-China FTA",leading to zero tariff rates for fruits and vegetables traded between the two countries.This cooperation has helped promoting more trade of fruits between Thailand and China.However,despite the zero tariffs,the Thai fruits exporters have faced many obstacles in exporting fruits to China.  This thesis is aimed to study the types of Chinas non-tariff barriers on imported Thai fruits.The secondary data are collected from related papers and government organization website.This primary data is done by the survey of 42 Thai fruits businesspersons and the interview of a companys manager.  From the review of exporting processes,it is found that,to export frruits to China,the entrepreneurs have to strictly follow the regulations indicated in the protocol made between Thailand and China officials.The required documents,such as import licenses,quarantine import permit,and phytosanitary certificates,must be well prepared.In addition,the exported fruits must be from the orchards and packing houses that conform to GAP and GMP standard respectively.  It is concluded that the key non-tariff barriers in China are technical measures(sanitary and phytosanitary measures,certificate requirements,and inspection and quarantine),customs rules and procedures,internal taxes(13%VAT),transportation limitation,and competition-related restrictions (distribution restriction from selling fruits under consignment system to only agents in traditional wholesales market).In addition,the entrepreneurs who have more experiences in exporting fruits to China tend to be less influenced by the technical barriers than other exporting companies do.  Although non-tariff barriers are hard to be eliminated as they are subjected to the government policy and many other factors,the identified non-tariff barriers in this study,together with the supplemental environment analysis,are used to design some possible solutions.  To relieve the effects of non-tariffbarriers,exporters are suggested to carefully choose safe fruits from qualified orchards,improve the packaging quality,build long-term relationship with the fruits growers and Chinese officials,differentiate their products,enter modern distribution channel,avoid a highly competitive market,and introduce more varieties of Thai fruits.  For the government organizations,apart from their roles in negotiation with Chinese officials,they are recommended to provide more training programs to fruits growers,increase workforce for GAP and GMP inspection,create non-tariff barriers alarming websites for the exporters,provide accurate data of Thai fruits market price in China to AQSIQ for the customs valuation adjustment,negotiate for compromising freight fee for Thai fruits exported via Hong Kong port during high season,increase facilities for land route transportation,and set up distribution center for Thai fruits in the South of China.  In conclusion,the findings from this paper are hoped to be beneficial for Thai fruits exporters looking for coming to China as they will understand more about the current situations and can prepare the appropriate solutions in advance.