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Mishima Yukio, known as the “Hemingway” of Japan, is a reputation writer in themodern Japanese literary world who has been nominated twice as the candidate of “NobelLaureates in Literature”. In his literary world, people prefer to pay more attention on hisunique aesthetic thoughts, which are also his most controversial parts.The Temple of the Golden Pavilion is Mishima’s most representative work which is knownas the master of Mishima’s aesthetics. It tells the story of the hero-Gounod’s process ofpsychological change from Jin Golden Pavilion’s beauty to disgust and to destruction. Thiswork is received high praise both at home and abroad which is known as the master ofMisaim’s aesthetics, therefore, researching Misaim’s aesthetic thoughts shall talk about “TheTemple of the Golden Pavilion ".This paper takes The Temple of the Golden Pavilion as an example to analyze Mishima’saesthetic thoughts. The author thinks that The Temple of the Golden Pavilion mainly embodiesMishima’s three aesthetic thoughts, including the destruction of the aesthetics, lonelyaesthetics and abnormal aesthetics. These three kinds of aesthetic thoughts are reflected in theJapanese zen consciousness and the spirit of bushido, the Japanese child psychology andJapanese nihilistic moment beautiful pursuit. Through these analyses, we conclude the realintention of Mishima’s writing. It is namely that he expresses their dissatisfaction with thepost-war Japanese society and worship of the bushido, tells his ideal conflicts with realistichelpless, and is to promote his view of the emperor of the concept of "culture". On the otherhand, compared with the school of post-war Japanese literature, these thoughts clarifyMishima’s aesthetic thoughts of particularity embodied in The Temple of the Golden Pavilion,as well as its profound influence on Mishima’s late works, Japanese literary world andJapanese society. Through above analysis, we hope to have a more profound understanding of Mishima and his aesthetic ideas.
内障丸为我院院内制剂,黑卫药制字(1996)0255号,6 g/袋,黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院制剂室,批号:20080117。名老中医王秀霞教授最早将其运用于妇科,笔者的导师姚美玉教授就
吡咯喹啉醌(Pyrroloquinoline quinone,简称PQQ),是烟酰胺核苷酸(NAD+和NADP+)和黄素核苷酸(FAD和FMN)之外的第三种有机辅基。研究发现,PQQ既是一种植物生长促进因子,也是哺乳动物生长