Implementation of Total Quality Management(Tqm)in the Ghanaian Real Estate Industry

来源 :中山大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunboy92121
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This study was aimed at studying the factors influencing implementation of TQM.A questionnaire was used to collect primary data from the study sample of 98, of which a response rate of 95% was obtained.From the findings, majority of the respondents agreed that top management provides a leadership in quality management, real estate companies fulfils their corporate social responsibilities.Human resource abilities of real estate companies have improved.The real estate companies have appropriate organizational culture, flexible to internal and external encourages adherence to company policy and the law.These results show that construction companies have appropriate organizational culture.Top management are committed to developing a Total Quality Management culture and also implement TQM systems in the delivery of their operations.Also communication was identified as a critical factor in implementation of TQM.It is recommended that construction companies as well as other organizations who are implementing TQM take strategic measures in ensuring top management participation and commitment to quality initiatives.This study further recommends that top managements commit themselves in providing leadership and key resources needed in quality management.Training is a critical factor in implementation of TQM and that employees training positively influences implementation of TQM.Further studies may be done to explore factors such as commitment, employee training, organizational culture and communication and their influence on TQM.Also further studies may focus on other quality management initiatives such as ISO standards and statistical quality control.
在印度语中,Dabba指午餐盒,Dabbawala就是送午餐的人。这份职业,在印度已有超过120年的历史,孟买从事Dabbawala工作的有5 000人左右,每天送出的午餐近20万份,交通工具就是火车、自行车、板车和双腿。  Dabbawala的主要顾客是大学生和中学生、小企业老板、上班族,还有银行职员和工厂工人。有的是为了省钱,有的是为了卫生,有的是因为有特别的民族饮食习惯,总之一日也离不开Da
讲述人:晚晚  春末夏初,刚刚坐上午夜的大巴车准备返程。车里几乎没有灯光,只有一盏盏橘黄色的路灯在窗外快速掠过。  大家都睡着了,周围很静。大巴冲破夜晚高速公路上冰凉的
Faceu短视频和照片的萌萌哒就在于,都能实时提供美颜和滤镜的功能。美颜主要做磨皮美白的效果,滤镜则带着一些 Instagram 的味道。  它与别的同类APP最大的不同,就是通过人脸