Some Study on Black Hole Accretion Disc

来源 :中国科学院大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iloveshe1987
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Gravitational energy is the energy source of many astrophysical systems in the universe, such as quasar and X-ray binaries, etc, and accretion is an effective mechanism of releasing gravitational energy.By the study of accretion disc, people can explain many phenomena on observation, such as luminosity and radiation spectrtum, etc.Accretion has become an effective tool for people to understand a variety of high energy phenomena in the universe.  The first chapter of this thesis briefly reviews the current situation and progress of the theory of black hole accretion disc.Three successful accretion models, namely the standard thin disc (SSD), the slim disc and the ADAF, are briefly introduced.We concentrate our attention on the ADAF model, which has become hot in the domain of accretion in recent years, and give the self-similar solutions, global solutions and application of ADAF model.  We study the quasar optical variability using accretion disc model in chapter two. Some different correlations between optical-ultraviolet (UV) variability and other quasar properties, such as luminosity, black hole mass and rest-frame wavelength, were discovered.The positive correlation between optical-UV variability amplitude and black hole mass was first found by Wold et al.(2007), and this was confirmed by Wilhite et al (2008).We suggest that the accretion disc model can explain these correlations, provided the optical-UV variability is triggered by the change of accretion rate.The disc temperature of accretion discs decreases with increasing black hole mass, which leads to systematical spectral shape difference with black hole mass even if the black hole is accreting at the same rate m (m =M/M Edd).The observed positive correlation between optical-UV variability and black hole mass can be well reproduced by our model calculations, if the mean accretion rate m0~ 0.1 with variation ofδm~ 0.4-0.5 m0.We also found that the observed correlations of optical-UV variability amplitude with luminosity or rest-frame wavelength can be qualitatively explained by this accretion disc model.  In the third chapter we study the global dynamics of advection-dominated  accretion flows (ADAFs) with magnetically driven outflows.A fraction of gases in the accretion flow is accelerated into the outflows, which leads to decreasing of the mass accretion rate in the accretion flow towards the black hole.We find that the r-dependent mass accretion rate is close to a power-law one, m∝ r s, as assumed in the advection-dominated inflow-outflow solution (ADIOS), in the outer region of the ADAF, while it deviates significantly from the power-law r-dependent accretion rate in the inner region of the ADAF.It is found that the structure of the ADAF is significantly changed in the presence of the outflows.The temperatures of the ions and electrons in the ADAF decreases in the presence of outflows, as a fraction of gravitational power released in the ADAF is tapped to accelerate the outflows.
Blazar是活动星系核的一个子类,它的多波段辐射主要来自与观测者视线方向接近的喷流的非热辐射。“Blazar序列”(Blazar sequence)是指Blazar可以统一地按照其光度大小进行排
平均数、中位数、众数可以从不同的角度描述一组数据的集中趋势,在实际问题中有着广泛的运用,是中考的热点. 有关“三数”问题涉及的背景广泛,题型众多,其中关于如何选用统计量来说理是其中的一个热点.下面分类举例,供大家参考.  例1 (2012年湖北黄冈) 为了全面了解学生的学习、生活及家庭的基本情况,加强学校与家庭的联系,梅灿中学积极组织全体教师开展“课外访万家活动”,王老师对所在班级的全体学生进行实