
来源 :海南师范大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kikuL
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Plants and their products have been known since beginning of human civilization,to be used as medicines.For human welfare and healthcare herbal medicines are being globally recognized on the basis of their enormous curative properties.The number and diversity of medicinal plants differ greatly in various regions,countries,and continents.China,especially Hainan due to its geographical position and unique environmental characteristics,is bestowed with a rich medicinal flora.In Hainan,number of plants have been investigated for phytochemical components and therapeutic value,while many other species are yet to be characterized.In the present study,we aimed to characterize the phytochemical components and curative properties of different parts of Millettia speciosa Champ.The plant belongs to Leguminosae family having genus Millettia.In China,M.speciosa has been used to treat kidney weakness,frequent cough and bronchitis.It is also consumed as traditional food and cooked in soup to help release more important nutrients for bone and tendon strengthening.Previous chemical studies have reported various classes of compounds,such as coumarins,alkaloids,flavonoids,terpenes etc.making the main chemical composition of M.speciosa Champ.These components contribute significantly towards its therapeutic properties like hepatoprotection,anti-bronchitis and immunity enhancing etc.In our current project for investigation of a natural source of bioactive compounds among the medicinal plant resources in Hainan Island,research on the phytochemical constituents and pharmacological activities of M.speciosa was conducted.Five different parts i.e.leaves,stem,fruits,flowers,roots of M.speciosa were selected,which were fractionated with different organic solvents of increasing polarity(petroleum ether,ethyl acetate and methanol).The GC-MS finger printing and pharmacological activities of each extract were carried out.MCF-7 human breast cancer cells were used to determine anticancer effect.The GC-MS analysis revealed most of the compounds reported for the first time in different parts of M.speciosa.Through GC-MS analysis,80 compounds from the different extracts of leaves were identified.Among the three extracts of leaves,petroleum ether(PE)fraction exhibited the highest antityrosinase activity with IC500.035mg/m L,while the significant sunscreen activity(1.518±0.49)was shown by ethyl acetate(Et OAc)extract.The maximum anticancer activity against MCF-7 cells was noted for PE extract with IC506.73μg/m L.Likewise,the GC-MS analysis revealed 105 compounds for different fractions of stem.The PE extract was found to be most potent showing maximum values for antityrosinase,sunscreen and anticancer activities.The IC50values were noted as 0.05 mg/m L and 290.50μg/m L for antityrosinase and anticancer,respectively.The GC-MS predicted 41 chemical constituents while analyzing different extracts of fruits of M.speciosa.Regarding bioactivities of the fruit extracts,maximum value of antityrosinase activity(IC500.10 mg/m L)and sunscreen activity was recorded for Et OAc fraction(1.163±0.33).The highest anticancer activity against MCF-7 cells with IC5079.51μg/m L was also exhibited by Et OAc extract.The extracts of flowers showed 63 phytocomponents upon GC-MS analysis.The PE fraction showed maximum values of antityrosinase and anticancer activities with IC50values 0.03 mg/m L and 89.43μg/m L,respectively.Among different extracts of flowers,the highest sunscreen activity(0.75±0.09)was noted for methanol(Me OH)extract.Different fractions of roots of M.speciosa were analyzed using GC-MS exhibiting 70 compounds.The biological activities of Et OAc extract revealed highest values for antityrosinase(IC500.12 mg/m L)and sunscreen activity.The PE fraction proved to be most potent(IC5038.86μg/m L)against MCF-7 breast cancer cells among all the three extracts of roots.The total flavonoid content(TFC)was also calculated in considerable amount for all15 fractions obtained from the five different parts of the plant.Among all the tested extracts of different parts,the highest amount(71.00±0.68%)of total flavonoids was recorded in Et OAc extract of roots,followed by Et OAc extract of fruits i.e.60.00±0.79%.The GC-MS analysis predicted a diverse phytochemical profile for all 15 crude extracts while few compounds were common among all tested extracts such as n-hexadecanoic acid,octadecanoic acid and hexadecanoic acid,methyl ester.Based on the overall results of different bioactivities performed for all the 15 extracts,the highest antityrosinase value(87.21%)was recorded for Et OAc extract of roots.Similarly,the maximum value(1.51)of absorbance for sunscreen activity was noted for Et OAc extract of leaves.While,the Et OAc extract of fruits was found the most potent among all the 15 extracts against MCF-7 cell lines by showing 8.32%of cell viability value.The extracts of stem and flowers have also displayed pronounced efficacy as antityrosinase,sunscreen and anticancer agents.Collectively,our observations under the current study suggest a promising potential of M.speciosa as a source of natural medicines.This study provides both theoretical evidence as well as practical basis for M.speciosa to be further investigated for drug and functional food development.
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