The Aging Phenomenon of Amorphous Distribution Transformer Main Insulation

来源 :江西理工大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dancingbug
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On the basis of describing the application of amorphous distribution transformer,this thesis further excavated the performance of cellulose paper,analyzed and completed the simulation experiment of electrical performance and aging characteristics of the pressboard model of main insulation plate of simulated oil immersed transformer and verified the excellent electrical characteristics of nano Ti O2and cellulose composite insulation.The research results provide an important positive reference for the production,manufacture and application of amorphous distribution transformer.The topic selection of this thesis is closely related to the social development,and has strong theoretical significant and practical value.By consulting a larger number of domestic and foreign literature,the author combined theory with practice,and has made some innovative achievements in the aspects of thermal aging characteristics of the improved paperboard model of main insulation of amorphous distribution transformer,the electrical aging characteristics of the modified pressboard model of oil immersed transformer insulation of the amorphous distribution transformer,and the transformation of the pressboard model of main insulation pressing plate of the amorphous distribution transformer.The feasibility of the method was verified by a large number of simulations.It shows that the author has learned the specialized knowledge in this field,mastered the relevant technology,and basically has the ability to engage in scientific research independently.The research method of this thesis has some improvements on the existing basis,but the innovation is general.On the whole the thesis has clear objectives,clear logic,normative citation data,and meets the requirements of the graduate thesis.The integrity evaluation of the amorphous distribution transformer is complex but indispensable to avoid permanent damages with consequent substantial impacts causes by transmission and distribution network.The accelerated degradation of its solid insulating system of oil immersed cellulosic insulation materials,is among the causes which can result in transformer failures rise over the limits,partial discharges and strongly depends on the operating conditions of the amorphous distribution transformer.In fact,the degradation of transformer’s dielectric parts starts much earlier than the intended end of life of the transformer,which is generally predicted as being 30 year.This can occur due to an accelerated thermal aging of both the insulating paper and oil.Despite the fact that the regeneration of a degraded insulating oil can be effectuated by appropriate treatments or even by the exchange with a new compatible oil,the restoration of degraded paper entails costly and invasive operations that have to be primarily performed by the manufacturer,since it might require the total replacement of the transformer windings.Consequently,generally the end of useful life of a transformer is largely dependent on the thermal deterioration of its insulation papers and an accurate monitoring of parameters related to this process is essential for utilities to verify the condition of transformers.The application of amorphous distribution transformer study is of great significant focus on the challenges affected amorphous distribution transformer lifetime expectancy.
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