The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Gross Domestic Product: Algeria’s Experience

来源 :对外经济贸易大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lihao527
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This study aims to measure the effect of Foreign Direct Investment(FDI)on the Gross Domestic Product(GDP)of Algeria during the period(1990-2018),by relying on the multiple regression model using regular least squares through the IBM SPSS statistics20program and others tests of time series data by using STATA such as Unit Root Test and Cointegration Test.Data were collected from the World Bank and the Algerian national bureau of statistics to show the effect of the influx of Foreign Direct Investment,Exchange Rates,Interest Rates,and the Population on the Gross Domestic Product.The findings of the study revealed that the time series values for all variables are unstable in their level,but they are stable at the first differences,which means that they are integrated from the first degree during1990-2018.Also,there is the possibility of a relationship between these variables in the long run.The coefficient value of DLFDI is-0.001and its p-value is0.935implying that a unit increase in DLFDI will decrease DLGDP with the value of0.001which is non-significant.the coefficient value of DEXR was-0.008,and its p-value is0.000implying that a unit increase in DEXR will decrease DLGDP with the value of0.008,signifying that Exchange rate is negative and significant to Gross Domestic Product.the coefficient value of DINT was-0.001and its p-value is0.031implying that a unit increase in DINT will decrease DLGDP with the value of0.003,signifying that Interest Rates is negative and significant to Gross Domestic Product.DLPOP coefficient value is-0.851with a p-value of0.322implying that a unit increase in population will decrease gross domestic product with the value of0.851which is non-significant.So this study recommends the need to encourage Foreign Direct Investment in Algeria,especially with regard to the flexibility of the legislative side and to encourage foreign direct investment in other sectors,like the tourism sector,renewable energies,and agriculture,for the advantages that Algeria has.
目前,全国供给侧结构性改革仍在不断向深水区、攻坚期持续推进,改革的力度也在不断加大。金融行业自改革开放以来,也发生了历史性的变革。特别是党的十八大以来,中国对金融改革发展的有序推进,使得金融产品得以日益丰富,金融服务的普惠性也不断得到增强。  资产管理业务作为金融创新业务的一部分,从在国内兴起到逐步发展,经历了探索前进、缓慢发展、蓬勃发展、监管收紧的四个阶段。自资管新规的出台,中国资产管理行业进入
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随着我国利率市场化加速发展和“金融脱媒”的不断深入,银行业竞争日趋激烈,商业银行依靠传统业务发展的压力增大,因此,转变经营思路,寻找新的利润增长点,科学合理开展中间业务,提升商业银行盈利能力,显得尤其重要。  本文沿着“相关文献梳理、理论基础研究、现状问题分析、实证分析应用、提出对策建议”的思路,首先研究中间业务、银行盈利能力等相关理论基础,然后,对我国商业银行中间业务发展情况及盈利问题进行分析。
近些年,我国经济发展进入“新常态”,商业银行普遍面临资产质量下行压力。值得注意的是,在各类商业银行不良贷款率的走势中,区域性商业银行与全国性商业银行之间的差距越来越大,部分地区农村商业银行的不良贷款率甚至已经突破监管“红线”,严重制约了银行自身和地方经济的健康可持续发展。  本文通过对国内外文献的研究,梳理出不良贷款成因的相关理论,并在探究我国商业银行尤其是区域商业银行不良贷款现状、特点和成因的基
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