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With the globalization of the contemporary economy and society, intercultural communication becomes more and more frequent. Any ignorance of cultural customs and values, which are deeply contained in the language and culture of a nation, will probably cause misunderstandings, or even hostility between interlocutors.Language is a part of culture and also the carrier of culture. We need the help of language to spread and pass on culture; so only correctness is not enough in learning a language, we need to know the cultural background of that language. In daily communication, we can’t talk whatever topics or use any words we think of; some taboo topics and taboo words should be avoided, for if we disregard it, we will meet obstacles or fail to communicate in intercultural communication. Thus, it is necessary to know language taboos in Chinese and Western cultures and also the pragmatic failures caused by misusing language taboos.This thesis deals with the issue of language taboo and cultural pragmatic failures of Chinese students. After a discussion of theoretical knowledge about pragmatic failure and language taboo, and critical review of previous studies in this topic, a questionnaire about language taboos was given to 82 students and a small group interview to 20 students. The results indicate that Chinese students make pragmatic failure easily in language taboos, and students’ feedback in taboo words is worse than that in taboo topics. Then based on the collected results of students’ pragmatic competence in taboos, the reasons for these pragmatic failures are analyzed and the implications for English language teaching and learning are discussed.
邀请是人们同常言语交际中一种常见且典型的言语现象。本研究从语用学角度,运用会话分析的方法对这种现象进行了综合分析。 分析结果表明,邀请是一个磋商的互动过程,有单
小学毕业测试中有如下一道试题:999096精确到万位的近似数是( )。标准答案:100万。阅卷结束时,发现有位老师把“1000000”也算作“正确答案”。这下,占绝大多数的反对者(包括阅卷组
随着大跨度桥梁结构迅速发展,桥塔越来越高,箱梁壁越来越薄,由此导致了桥梁的稳定问题非常突出; 特别是对高墩大跨度桥梁,其稳定与强度具有同等的重要性。本文沪蓉国道湖北西
自2003 年非典和禽流感之后,中国政治民主化的程度逐步提高,新闻发言人制度正是在这种背景下蓬勃发展。与国外的实践有所不同的是,中国在加速建设新闻发言人制度过程中,超越