
来源 :北京外国语大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangchen87
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Kung fu is China’s greatest ever export It is the one thing that all foreign people know about China and most of our perceptions and preconceptions about China come from our exposure to kung fu in some way,shape or form.I started studying kung fu at the age of 15 and have now been practicing for 20 years.I am a 4th degree black belt in Jeet Kune Do and owned and ran my own kung fu school for more than 10 years before coming to China.Kung fu has been a huge part of my life,it helped to make me the man I am today and it also exposed me to the beauty of Chinese culture.History has shown us that kung fu has been a huge part of China throughout its many years and is an ambassador for Chinese culture,philosophy,music,art,poetry,literature and movies.Over recent years,kung fu has become increasingly unpopular within China,even though it continues to grow in popularity elsewhere in the world.This study aims to show why kung fu is such a great example of Chinese culture and also touch upon the struggle it faces to maintain its popularity within the modern climate of China.Drawing upon my own experiences as a kung fu practitioner from a foreign country,a systematic exploration of the presence and relevance of kung fu with Chinese literature,Confucianism,Taoism,Buddhism,Icons and the film industry and the situation kung fu faces in modern time.During the five chapters contained within this study,I will focus on what I believe are the most prominent links between Chinese culture and Kung Fu.Starting with a brief trip through Chinese history,looking at the development of kung fu and how it was influenced and affected by certain events and time periods.Kung fu went through many changes and evolutions during Chinas long history.As many styles and systems were developed or modified and the popularity of practicing kung fu both waxed and waned,as well as the change in purpose for why people were studying kung fu.Second,an analysis of the philosophical background of China and its relationship with kung fu(Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism).The two greatest thinkers of Chinese philosophy,Lao Zi and Kong Zi,whose thinking and writings have influenced Chinese people for centuries,have also influenced martial arts.The philosophies that they gave birth to have become interwoven within Chinese kung fu and with the spread and global popularity of kung fu,people all around the world have been exposed to these theories and beliefs.The two most popularized styles of Chinese kung fu,Wudang and Shaolin which each represent deep rooted ties with one of the philosophical systems,Taoism and Buddhism respectively.Confucianism underpins all kung fu systems with its hierarchical beliefs and homage to ones ancestors.The third chapter will focus on the expression and embodiment of kung fu in pre-modern Chinese literature and in modern Chinese movies.Starting from the four classic Chinese novels,all the way through to modern day literature,both factual and fictional,kung fu has(and still does)play a huge role within the literary scene.Many of the heroes of Chinese children are born from these kung fu stories and just like Robin Hood,they often are not just highly skilled fighters but also have a strong sense of morality and defend what is good and honorable.Kung fu movies and the Chinese film industry have also played a huge part in inspiring countless generations of people to fall in love with kung fu.Also creating an avenue and a medium to show the depth and beauty within Chinese culture.Chapter four will explore the influence of kung fu outside of China,especially in the West,through the life,movies and writings of Bruce Lee.Arguably the single most famous kung fu practitioner of all time,one of the greatest kung fu actors and an incredibly deep thinking man,Bruce Lee single handedly changed the martial arts scene forever.Crossing countless boundaries and breaking the system that had stood for so many years,at the time he was shunned and scolded by traditional Chinese kung fu masters but eventually,those masters were using his legacy and his name in order to cash in and promote their own styles.The fifth and final(barring my conclusion)chapter will discuss the current problems with kung fu in China and how these issues can be resolved.Kung fu is facing its greatest challenge currently,as its popularity continues to diminish amongst Chinese people.The younger generations in China are favoring other styles of martial arts rather than the traditional Chinese ones and so we are at risk of losing a lot of information,skill and wisdom if something is not done.Kung fu is traditionally handed down orally and although some "manuals" or books have been written over the years,it is nigh on impossible to aptly learn kung fu from a book.Without the knowledge and experience of the previous generations,kung fu is at risk dying and being lost to annals of history.Chinese culture is one of the most interesting,fascinating and incredibly deep things that I have ever had the experience of studying and being exposed to.From my early childhood inspirations of kung fu movies,cartoon heroes and comic books,to my teenage and adult years of learning and practicing kung fu,to my present situation of living and studying in China,everyday brings a new insight into China,its culture and its people.I hope that through this study,I can show to others how kung fu is one of the greatest things to ever come out of China,it is the epitome of what is Chinese and it represents all that is great about China,its history,philosophy,literature,culture,art,geography and countless other things.Kung fu is China.
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