Analyzing Mobility Patterns for Location Prediction and Target Coverage

来源 :济南大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangchong122
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Analyzing mobility patterns has been a recurrent research topic in recent years.This is due to the fact that the end product of movement always has an effect either good or bad.Accurately using mobility patterns for effective applications has been a recurrent issue in modern mobility research.This is because platforms required to put the results of mobility analysis has not presented itself in a more clear terms until now.With the advent of technology and growing hunger of users for more information and quick rendering of services, mobility outcomes now has a somewhat use.Even with this trend,little has been done in the area of effective usage of these outcomes.Especially as seen in the area of location prediction and target coverage.
  Past researches have been done in these regard, however, they have been limited either because of the methods used or inability to get accurate data for this.In this work, we propose the development of two algorithms to help put to use the outcomes of users mobility.
  The first, Time dependent multiclass support vector machine (T-MSVM) involves using a particular time to predict the users future location based on their locations at that time in the past.Thus, allowing prediction results to be more accurate since the next location of a user will be narrowed to a specific time frame.First, we develop the T-MSVM model, and then we build the proposed prediction algorithm based on this model.Through experiments, we show that the proposed T-MSVM algorithm can achieve an accuracy of 90% over a week period and more than 95% accuracy over a month period in predicting the next location of a user.
  The second is an algorithm based on queuing theory in tandem with mobile crowd sensing which is for target coverage.To do this, first, we develop some models which are based on the birth-and-death mechanism (one of the tools in queuing theory) to determine how long a target has to wait, the mean busy period of sensors and mean idle period of sensors.While developing these models, we considered cases where there exist a single sensor and n-sensors in the system.Based on these models, we developed the required algorithm.The simulation result shows that as the number of sensors increase relative to the number of targets, an average time before a target gets discovered is 0.2 seconds and sensor utilization decreasing towards zero as the number of sensors increases.
校园文化是学校发展的灵魂,是高校精神状态的具体表现,建设良好的高校校园文化对大学生学习环境的改善有积极的促进作用。社会主义核心价值观是高校校园文化的核心与灵魂,社会主义核心价值观引领高校校园文化建设,对于大学生的健康成长,帮助他们树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观有着十分重要的意义。  论文以高校校园文化建设为主线,通过文献研究法与访谈法,在对校园文化、价值观、社会主义核心价值观基本概念的界定与理解
本论文主要研究动态模型,模拟与高级自动化控制水泵站。使用基于模糊逻辑控制器的ABB PLC的渠道远程控制系统。该系统的设计使用范围是水位(水渠或河流)较低或者传统的灌溉系统无法正常工作的情况下。该系统可以通过水库门依据水位的最高限和最低限来控制水位,也可以通过增加或者减少水泵的运转速度来控制水渠的水位。通过两个不同的控制器来实现系统的全自动化;一个控制器依据水库的水量限制对水库门实现自动操作,另一
The diverse breakthroughs in wearable sensors technology coupled with advanced biomedical signal processing have made it possible to keep track of basic human vitals like heart rate, blood glucose and