
来源 :广东外语外贸大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wulanshaobu911
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Holding that good translations play the key role in ensuring the success ofextemaI publicity, we seek to prove in this study that domestication can be a validstrategy to gUide the translation of external publicity materials.The theoretical foundation of the thesis is basically built uPon PeterNewnark’s theory of teXt-categories and the tTanslation methods he recornmndsfor differellt teXt tyPes. According to him, communicative translation is forinformative and vocative texts. Our comPrehensive understanding ofdomestication and Newnark’s description of cornmunicative translation enable usto decide that cornmunicative translation belongs to the strategy of domestication.So it can be inferred that domestication is the translation stfategy for informativeand vocative texts. Since extemal publicity materials are proved by us to beinfOrmative or vocative texts, we are theoretically justified to conclude thatdomestication is the translation strategy for extemal publicity materials.Although there are heavy criticisms on the aPplication of domestication inliterary translation, the examples we provide in the thesis prove that domesticationcan find its great value in the translation of external publicity materials both at thelinguistic and cultUral level. Therefore, the aPplication of dOmestication in thetranslation of extemal publicity aterials is also practically feasible.It is hoped that this study will be a meaningful effort and help Chinesetranslators to produce better tTanslations of external publicity materials.
1.本论文以《醒世姻缘传》的介词为研究对象,对《醒》的介词进行分类描写和比较分析。 2.《醒》是一部用山东方言写成的白话小说,该书大约成书于清朝初年。它反映了近代汉语
第二次世界大战以后 ,根据战前盟国之间达成的协议 ,朝鲜半岛脱离日本的殖民统治获得了独立。随着美苏冷战的升级 ,战后初期被美苏分区占领的朝鲜半岛不久分裂为南北两部分 ,