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古代建筑中的门,形式多种多样,有临街的大门、山门、宫门;房屋自身的风门、槅扇门;庭院的垂花门、屏门以及城垣的城门等。凡是供人出入的道口,无论单扇、双扇与多扇,甚至无门扇的月亮门,都统称为门。古代宫殿建筑中的大门最为考究。周朝的宫室有五门三朝之称,即进入宫殿之前要通过的五重门:皋门、应门、路门、库门和雉门。明代皇帝举行大朝的奉天殿(清初改名太和殿)前的主轴线上,也有五重门,即大明门(清改名大清门)、承天门(清 The door of the ancient architecture, a variety of forms, there are the main street, the gate, the palace gate; housing its own door, the door of the fan; the courtyard of the vertical door, screen door and the city gate and so on. All for human access at the mouth, regardless of single fan, double fan and fan, and even the door of the moon, are collectively referred to as the door. Ancient palace building the most elegant door. The palace of the Zhou Dynasty has five door and three dynasties, namely, the five doors that pass before entering the palace: Gao door, Ying door, Lumen door, Cumen door and Pheasant door. On the main axis in front of the Mukden Hall (renamed the Hall of Supreme Harmony of the Taihe) in the Great Hall of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming dynasty also had five heavy doors, the Daming Gate (Qing Dynasty renamed Daqing Gate) and Chengtian Gate (Qing Dynasty)
The Heibei highway in expansion project is located in Xiaoxinganling permafrost areas.Its total length is 148 km,and has 17 island permafrost sections.Some sugared above area exists uneven subsidence,
目的 12号染色体短臂中间缺失是罕见的。文中报道1例智力低下,身材矮小,界限性高血压和短指趾畸形的女性患儿经寡核苷酸微阵列比较基因组杂交(oligonucleotide array-based c