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随着随着我国经济的发展和社会的进步,我国教育教学体系问题逐渐凸显,毋庸置疑的是传统应试教育已经不能更好地满足我国经济社会发展的要求,也不能为经济社会发展培养出优秀、合格的人才。素质教育的呼声虽已提出很久,其重大意义和亟需推行已是陈词滥调,多年来素质教育更多的是雷声大雨点小,理解的偏差必定会为素质教育无缝对接到学校提出了一个难题,首当其冲的问题应该是公众对于素质教育的理解。(素质教育是以提高民族素质为宗旨的教育,它是依据《教育法》规定的国家教育方针,着眼于受教育者及社会长远发展的要求,以面向全体学生、全面提高学生的基本素 With the economic development of our country and the progress of society, the problems of education and teaching system in our country have become increasingly prominent. There is no doubt that the traditional examination-oriented education can no longer meet the requirements of our country’s economic and social development better, nor can we cultivate outstanding talents for economic and social development , Qualified personnel. Although the voice of quality education has been put forward for a long time, its great significance and the urgent need of implementation have become cliches. For many years, quality education is more thunderstorms, understanding of the deviation will be seamless for quality education to the school proposed a Difficult problems, bear the brunt of the problem should be the public’s understanding of quality education. (Quality education is to improve the quality of nationalities for the purpose of education, it is based on “Education Law” provisions of the national education policy, focusing on the education and social long-term development requirements, for all students, and comprehensively improve the basic elements of students
To obtain high efficiency luminescent materials, the system Al2O3-B2O3 containing Ce3+ andTb3+ ions with variation of B2O3-content, has been prepared by Al2O3,
中国有了共产党才改变了贫穷落后的面貌,革命前辈为人民无私奋斗的精神永远值得我们学习。在党的 80华诞前夕,本刊记者专访了几位革命前辈,他们奋斗的经历,切身的感受,深情的话语,
目的探讨女贞子对大鼠肝脏能量代谢相关因子的影响。方法女贞子的水提物按2.0 g·kg-1和6.0 g·kg-1灌胃大鼠30 d,每日测定大鼠的肛温和体重,处死大鼠后,取肝脏测定Na+-K+-AT
目的:观察核受体相关因子1(nuclear receptor-related factor 1,Nurr1)与多巴胺能神经细胞特异性标记物酪氨酸羟化酶(TH)在生后大鼠视网膜发育过程中的表达变化,探明Nurr1与
OBJECTIVE To provide evidence for breast cancer prevention and control through epidemiological analysis of the incidence, mortality and survival rate of female