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  四      级
  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on online libraries. You can start your essay with the sentence “Online libraries are becoming increasingly popular”. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
  Online libraries are becoming increasingly popular among young people these days. According to a 2019 study, 84.2% of the college students polled in Shanghai said they prefer an online library to a physical one when doing research.
  Convenience and accessibility are two main factors behind this popularity. An online library is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As long as an Internet connection is available, you can get an instant access to a huge amount of information at any time. You no longer need to go to the library physically and search shelf after shelf. Also, an online library normally provides a user-friendly interface, giving you a clickable link to books and scholarly journals. In addition, the resources of an online library can be readily downloaded, and printed if you want to.
  Despite their popularity, online libraries are never meant to substitute for their brick and mortar counterparts. As I see it, they actually complement each other in rendering a better service to the public. (168 words)
  1. Convenience and accessibility are two main factors behind this popularity. 方便和易得是在线图书馆受欢迎的两个主要因素。本句是第二段的主题句,整个段落都要紧紧围绕本句展开。
  2. Also, an online library normally provides a user-friendly interface, giving you a clickable link to books and scholarly journals. 而且在線图书馆通常提供方便使用的界面,只需点击鼠标就可以链接图书和学术杂志。normally通常。
  3. Despite their popularity, online libraries are never meant to substitute for their brick and mortar counterparts. 在线图书馆尽管受欢迎,其目的从来就不是取代实体图书馆。be meant to do sth旨在做某事。brick and mortar实体的。
  4. As I see it, they actually complement each other in rendering a better service to the public. 在我看来,在向公众提供更好的服务方面,它们实际上可以互相补充。render a service to sb 向某人提供服务。   六      级
  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the saying “What is worth doing is worth doing well.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
  第二段论证这句谚语的正确性,即为什么值得做的事情值得做好。认真负责的工作态度有着多方面的重要意义,比如它让人在高度竞争的就业市场上能够谋到一份好工作。不妨以某位师姐Selena Zhang为例来证明这一点。她在宝洁公司实习期间,认真负责地对待每一件工作,从而毕业时拿到了这家公司的聘书。写英语论说文,如果在论证时举不出名人或伟人的例子,举出像这样平凡小人物的例子也可以。
  When it comes to the right attitude towards work, there is a popular saying which goes “What is worth doing is worth doing well.” It means that we should do our very best work with everything we do.
  There is a great deal of truth in this saying. Among other things, willingness to work hard helps one to land a good job in today’s highly competitive job market, as employers are always looking for people who are eager to give their best at work. Selena Zhang, my senior, is a good example. During her internship at P&G in her junior year, she approached every task—big and small—in a way that was beyond what was expected of her. Her devotion to work paid off when she got an offer from the consumer giant upon her graduation.
  Conscientiousness will not only help us find a plum job but expose us to more opportunities in our career. Therefore, when doing any task, we should do it as well as we possibly can. (171 words)
  1. When it comes to the right attitude towards work, there is a popular saying which goes “What is worth doing is worth doing well.” 谈到对待工作的正确态度,有一句俗话说“值得做的事就值得做好”。
  2. There is a great deal of truth in this saying. 这句话很有道理。
  3. Selena Zhang, my senior, is a good example. 我的学姐塞琳娜·张就是一个很好的例子。这是举例证明的常用寫法。
  4. During her internship at P&G in her junior year, she approached every task—big and small—in a way that was beyond what was expected of her. 她大三时到宝洁公司实习,实习期间,她对每一件工作——无论大小——的处理都超出了人们的期望。
  5. Conscientiousness will not only help us find a plum job but expose us to more opportunities in our career. 认真负责不但会帮助我们找到一份称心如意的工作,还会让我们在事业中有更多的机遇。a plum job一份美差。
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随着新冠疫情在世界最贫困地区的传播,这些最弱势的群体将遭受最沉重的打击,他们本已深陷贫困和气候危机,如今又将面临前所未有的健康和经济危机。这次危机是多方面的,将不断向脆弱的社区施加压力,需要全方位的协同应对。而其根本,则在于清洁能源,其对于帮助各个国家防范、应对新冠疫情及从疫情中恢复,都会起到不可或缺的作用。  2清洁能源可提供符合气候目标的经济型方案,有助于缓解新冠危机对人们生计和当地经济的影响
美國传统的毕业典礼上会播放《威风凛凛进行曲》,而其他国家的传统则往往有所不同。让我们来看看世界各国的高中与大学毕业典礼有哪些更有趣的传统吧!  日本  高中毕业典礼的庆祝活动有毕业生唱歌和列队行进。  毕业典礼一般在工作日举行,持续一小时左右;低年级的学生第二天继续上课。  毕业生不穿戴方帽长袍,而是身穿校服。  毕业典礼通常在三月举行,刚好就在新学年开始之前。  菲律宾  在许多高中,毕业生在走