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媒体报道称年中时节,各地税务压力极大。6月,甘肃省永登县地税局号召大干20天,突击增税6448万元。湖南省常宁市国税局则“暂停所有假期,集中一切人力物力征税”。媒体称原因在于土地财政断炊,经济放缓,各地财政收入告急,且地方仍需完成上级下达的增收任务。(7月12日《第一财经日报》)长期以来,我国税收征管一直实行层层下达税收任务的传统模式,完成任务的多少成为衡量各级税务机关工作好坏的主要指标。于是,迫于时间过半、任务过半的“双过半”压力,各地税务人员就成了年中最忙、压力 Media reports said mid-year, great tax pressure around. In June, the local tax bureau of Yongdeng County, Gansu Province, called for a big deal for 20 days, raising the tax by 64.48 million yuan. Changning City, Hunan Province IRS then “suspend all holidays, all taxation of manpower and material resources.” The media said the reason is that the land was ruined by the government and the economy was slowing down. Financial revenue in various places was in an emergency and the local authorities still needed to complete the task of increasing their incomes. (The First Financial Daily, July 12) For a long time, the tax collection and administration in our country has been implementing the traditional mode of issuing tax tasks at various levels. The number of tasks to be completed has become the main measure of the quality of tax work at all levels. Thus, under the pressure of more than half the time and over half of the tasks, the tax officers at all levels have become the busiest and the most stressed during the year
企业家群体堪称中华民族的脊梁,他们理应受到国人的崇敬。一生都与煤结伴的兖州矿业集团公司董事长赵经彻,其经历,就说明这一点 Entrepreneur groups called the backbone of t
LiNbO_3 crystal is an important electro-optical material. However, the laser induced refractive index variability (i.e. optical damage) limits its application
A new compound K_6Ti_2Nb_(14)O_(42)was found inthe ternary system K_2O-TiO_2-Nb_2O_5.The compound was char-acterized and investigated by electron,probe,X-ray po