Electrochemical Behavior and Determination of Trifluoperazine at Decanethiol Self-Assembled Monolaye

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bhf10116
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The electrochemical behavior of trifluoperazine at decanethiol self|assembled monolayer (SAM) modified gold electrodes (i.e. C 10 H 21 SH/Au) has been studied. Trifluoperazine can effectively accumulate on C 10 H 21 SH/Au electrodes and generate a sensitive anodic peak at about 0.63 V (vs. SCE) in 0.05 mol/L pH 9.4 Na 2B 4O 7 buffer solution. Under the selected conditions, the anodic peak current was linear to trifluoperazine concentration in the range of 5.0×10 -7 |3.0×10 -5 mol/L with correlation coefficient of 0.997, the detection limit was 3.0×10 -8 mol/L. This method was applied to the determination of trifluoperazine in drug samples and the recovery was 97.3%|104.0%. It was found that sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) could make the anodic peak current increase. In the presence of SDS, the peak at about 0.63 V turned into two peaks, resulting from the change of the electrochemical mechanism. The electrochemical behavior of trifluoperazine at decanethiol self | assembled monolayer (SAM) modified gold electrodes (ie C 10 H 21 SH / Au) has been studied. Trifluoperazine can be reduced to C 10 H 21 SH / Au electrodes and generate a sensitive Under the selected conditions, the anodic peak current was linear to trifluoperazine concentration in the range of 5.0 × 10 -7 anodic peak at about 0.63 V (vs. SCE) in 0.05 mol / L pH 9.4 Na 2B 4 O 7 buffer solution. | 3.0 × 10 -5 mol / L with correlation coefficient of 0.997, the detection limit was 3.0 × 10 -8 mol / L. This method was applied to the determination of trifluoperazine in drug samples and the recovery was 97.3% | 104.0 %. It was found that sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) could make the anodic peak current increase. In the presence of SDS, the peak at about 0.63 V turned into two peaks, resulting from the change of the electrochemical mechanism.
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