Vessel Standardization on Inland Waterways

来源 :中国船检 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zwb19860
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China is not only a large ocean transport country, but one with a large inland river transportation, endowed with as many as 5,800 rivers, over 400, 000 kilo meters in length, and with a cruising range of more than 110,000 kiIo meters, about three times of the total length of that of Britain, France and Germany. All the main navigable rivers are spreading over in the economically developed zones and densely populated areas and flow from the west to the east, finally converging into the ocean, which are quite favorable for river-sea transportation. However, as the present vessels are miscellaneous in type and a large number of non-standard ships (especially concrete vessels and outboard-motor vessels) are operating on inland rivers, water accidents frequently occur, which seriously affects smooth navigation and compromises the efficiency of inland river transportation, making it much lower than that of the developed nations in the world. In recent years, the noise-making outboard vessels have become a fo China is not only a large ocean transport country, but one with a large inland river transportation, endowed with as many as 5,800 rivers, over 400,000 kilo meters in length, and with a cruising range of more than 110,000 kiIo meters, about three times of the total length of that of Britain, France and Germany. All the main navigable rivers are spreading over the economically developed zones and densely populated areas and flow from the west to the east, finally converging into the ocean, which are quite favorable However, as the present vessels are miscellaneous in type and a large number of non-standard ships (especially concrete vessels and outboard-motor vessels) are operating on inland rivers, water accidents frequently occur, which seriously affects smooth navigation and compromises the efficiency of inland river transportation, making it much lower than that of the developed nations in the world. In recent years, the noise-making outboard vessel s have become a fo
1 概述大治河西闸枢纽工程位于闵行区浦江镇鲁汇闸港,西距黄浦江约1公里,主要由1座六孔节制闸、1座套闸和1座公路桥组成,是三级中型水工建筑物,也是上海市目前最大的中型水
<正> §0引言现代北京口语中有一种由动词加"着"构成的祈使句,我们把它记作"V+着!"。例如: A.坐着! 站着! 躺着! B.歇着! 等着! 呆着! C.穿着! 戴着! 盖着! D.拿着! 扛着! 背着! E.放着! 收着! 搁着! F.听着! 看着! 记着! 本文讨论两个问题:(一)"V+着!"的句式义及其预设;(二)V的句法、语义特点。§1"V+着!"的句式义分析 1.0"V+着!"的句式义可以粗略地概括为:说话人要求听话人处于某种状态。这里面至少有三种情况:(一)要求听话人进入某种
众所周知,英语中有一则谚语: Well begun half done. 又说: A good beginning is half the battle. 是的,好的开端是成功的一半。但由于受汉语思维的影响,学生写作时,主语八九不离十是人称主语。在这种思维定势的影响下,学生写出的句子开头也就非常单调,只会用主谓宾结构,难以写出出彩的文章。下面主要谈谈英语写作中句子开头的处理。  首先,可把主语领先
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