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  According to a Greek legend, in ancient Athens a man noticed the great storyteller Aesop playing childish games with some little boys. He 1 and made fun of Aesop, asking him why he wasted his time in such 2 activity.
  Aesop responded by 3 a bow, loosening its string, and placing it on the ground. Then he said to the critical Athenian, “Now, 4 the riddle, if you can. Tell us what the unstrung bow implies.”
  The man 5 at it for several moments but had no idea what 6 Aesop was trying to make. The moralist 7 , “If you keep a bow always bent, it will break 8 ; but if you let it go slack, it will be more 9 for use when you want it.”
  So it is with us. Our minds and bodies are like the 10 . When constantly under 11 of everyday life, we can eventually 12 . We need to loosen up; we need time to 13 the pressure off and relax.
  Former baseball pitcher Dutch Leonard might have put it a little differently. He once said that the 14 of great pitching is not speed or the ability to throw curves. It’s the “change of pace.” The 15 batter will soon learn to hit a pitcher who continually throws the same kind of pitch. But it’s 16 to hit against a pitcher who changes the pace of delivery. That 17 of pace gives a pitcher the edge over the best of batters.
  A change of pace likewise gives us an 18 in life. Taking time to watch the clouds, enjoy a breeze, take a walk, read or just slow down is 19 if we are to be our best later. And a regular day of rest is as important as regular sleep. It’s a 20 of taking the pressure off.
  To be your best, make sure you change your pace. It may just be the change you need.
  1. A. smiled B. laughed
   C. shouted D. cried
  2. A. wiseB. bright C. foolish D. kind
  3. A. picking up B. throwing away
   C. making up D. playing with
  4. A. make B. answer C. follow D. ask
  5. A. staredB. glared C. smiledD. looked
  6. A. point B. way C. ideaD. thought
  7. A. answered B. replied
   C. explained D. responded
  8. A. eventually B. easily
   C. firstly D. generally
  9. A. possible B. necessary
   C. unwise D. fit
  10. A. string B. bow C. riddle D. activity
  11. A. routines B. controls
  C. pressures D. understandings
  12. A. fail B. break C. succeedD. pass
  13. A. put B. catch C. give D. take
  14. A. secret B. point C. ability D. method
  15. A. great B. successful
  C. average D. bad
  16. A. easy B. hard
  C. impossible D. usual
  17. A. idea B. way C. change D. place
  18. A. edge B. idea C. bottom D. center
  19. A. important B. necessary
  C. acceptable D. reasonable
  20. A. trick B. result
  C. beginning D. way
  1. B。从上句的childish games可以看出,这个人很瞧不起这样的游戏,所以laugh。
  2. C。承前句,既然是childish的游戏,他认为是foolish的游戏,玩这样的游戏就是在浪费时间。
  3. A。从上下文的理解,可以看得出,对这个弓合理的说法应该是捡起来(pick up)。
  4. B。伊索打了个哑谜,用动作完成了谜题。因此要那个人来解谜(answer the riddle)。
  5. D。这个时候他已经没有之前的骄傲之气了,他的表情也应该是自然的看(look at)。
  6. A。伊索的动作是有所指的(make point),到底是指什么呢?他在费心思考。
  7. C。因为这个人不能回答,所以伊索给了他解释(explain)。
  8. A。这是个道理“如果一张弓始终绷紧的话,它终究(eventually)会折断的。”
  9. D。be fit for固定短语,“适合”。
  10. B。上文是以弓做比方,因此,这里提到了人的身心就象弓(bow)一样,要有张有弛。
  11. C。人的生活常态就是在压力下生活,所以这里的意思是人在日常生活的压力(under pressures of everyday life)下生活。
  12. B。这是个比喻,人如果不断地在日常生活的压力下生活,也会象弓一样折断(break)。
  13. D。对这个比喻的理解,就是我们要像弓一样,如果要长久,需要把弓弦放松,以便于能更好地使用。因此在生活中,我们需要放松,需要把压力卸掉(take off),让自己放松(relax)。
  14. A。我们看到过棒球赛,击球手与接球手之间的较量其实就是步法上的变化。这也是棒球的秘密(secret)。秘密不在于速度和打出弧线的能力。
  15. C。一个普通(average)的击球手很快就能学会如何击球,这是一种技术,并没有什么技巧。这里average是“普通的”意思。
  16. B。根据后半句的描述,面对一个不断变换步法的接球手,击球手是很难(hard)把握的。
  17. C。与上句相关,步法的变换(the change of pace)使得击球手很难把握(在边缘状态下)。
  18. A。likewise告诉我们这是个比喻。步法的变换在生活中也是,给了我们一个生活的边缘状态。
  19. B。生活中我们需要放松,抽时间看看白云,在微风中感受生活,散散步,看看书,或者减慢速度,都是为了我们能够更好地调整,是很有必要的(necessary)。
  20. D。有规律地休息就像我们需要睡眠一样,是我们减轻压力的方法(way)。
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