【摘 要】
1. Why are we choosing the property law of the Continental legal system instead of that of the Anglo-American legal system as our legislative orientation? Up to
【出 处】
Social Sciences in China
1. Why are we choosing the property law of the Continental legal system instead of that of the Anglo-American legal system as our legislative orientation? Up to the present, separate laws have been used in China to regulate all property law problems, as is the practice in the Anglo-American legal system; why are we now going to strike out on a new path? The history of the last hundred years proves that real right legisla- tion will never exhaust the actual problems,
1. Why are we choosing the property law of the Continental legal system instead of that of the Anglo-American legal system as our legislative orientation? Up to the present, separate laws have been used in China to regulate all property law problems, as is the practice in the Anglo-American legal system; why are we now going to strike out on a new path? The history of the last hundred years proves that real right legislature will never exhaust the actual problems,
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In the lesson of the meaning of teaching a lesso
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同学们都很喜欢周杰伦演唱的歌曲《青花瓷》,但对歌词中一些句子所运用的修辞手法却不太了解。比如就有同学问“天青色等烟雨而我在等你”这句中为什么要用两个相同的“等”字呢?“帘外芭蕉惹骤雨门环惹铜绿,而我路过那江南小镇惹了你”这句中连用了三个“惹”字有什么特殊意义呢? 其实作词者方文山在这里使用了一种特殊的修辞,这种修辞我们把它叫“类叠”。所谓的“类叠”修辞,也就是指同一字词或词句,在一句话或一段话中