Immunohistochemical study on p53,H-rasp21,c-erbB-2 protein and PCNA expression in HCC tissues of Har

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AIM To find out the difference of humanprimary liver carcinogenesis between Han andminority ethnic patients in Xinjiang.METHODS Expression of p53,c-erbB-2,H-rasp21 protein and proliferating cell nuclearantigen(PCNA)in tumor tissues of 50 patients(Han 38,minority 12)with primary hepaticcarcinoma was detected byimmunohistochemistry(LSAB).RESULTS The positive frequency of p53,c-erbB-2,H-rasp21 and PCNA expression was46.0%(23/50),70.0%(35/50),68.0%(34/50)and 82.0%(41/50)in tumor tissues;4.0%(2/50),22.0%(11/50),64.0%(32/50)and 52.0%(26/ 50)in peritumors respectively and asignificant difference,except for H-rasp21,ofoncogene alteration was found(P<0.05)between tumor and non-tumorous tissues.Combined the three oncogenes alteration,26%(13/50)tumor tissues had positiveimmunoreactivity,but in peritumor and normallivers it was negative.The positive rate of p53,c-erbB-2 and H-rasp21 protein expression was39.5%(15/38),60.5%(23/38)and 39.5%(15/38)in tumors of Han patients;66.7%(8/12),100%(12/12)and 75.0%(9/12)in minoritiesrespectively,with statistical difference (P<0.05).CONCLUSION Overexpression of p53,c-erbB-2and H-rasp21 in human primary liver carcinoma isan important biomarker of genetic alteration.The different frequency of these oncogeneticchanges may reflect some environmental or/andethnic hereditary factors affecting the livercarcinogenesis.The special life style of Han,Uygur,Kazak and Mongolia nationalities inXinjiang may also be related to theetiopathogenesis of this disease. AIM To find out the difference of humanprimary liver carcinogenesis between Han andminority ethnic patients in Xinjiang.METHODS Expression of p53, c-erbB-2,H-rasp21 protein and proliferating cell nuclearantigen(PCNA)in tumor tissues of 50 patients(Han 38, Minority 12)with primary hepatic carcinomas was detected by immunohistochemistry (LSAB).RESULTS The positive frequency of p53,c-erbB-2,H-rasp21 and PCNA expression was 46.0%(23/50),70.0%(35/50), 68.0% (34/50) and 82.0% (41/50) in tumor tissues; 4.0% (2/50), 22.0% (11/50), 64.0% (32/50) and 52.0% (26/50) In peritumors respectively and a significant difference, except for H-rasp21, ofoncogene alteration was found (P<0.05)between tumor and non-tumorous tissues. Combined the three oncogenes alterations, 26%(13/50) tumor images had positive immunoactivity, but in Peritumor and normal livers it was negative.The positive rate of p53, c-erbB-2 and H-rasp21 protein expression was 39.5%(15/38), 60.5%(23/38)and 39.5%(15/38)in Tumors of Han patients; 66.7% (8/12), 100% (12/12)and 75.0%(9/12)in minoritiesrespectively, with inconsistency (P<0.05).CONCLUSION Overexpression of p53,c-erbB-2and H-rasp21 in human primary liver carcinoma isan important biomarker of genetic alteration.The different frequency of these oncogenetic changes May reflect some environmental or/andethnic hereditary factors affecting the livercarcinogenesis. The special life style of Han, Uygur, Kazak and Mongolia nationalities in Xinjiang may also be related to the etiopathogenesis of this disease.
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