Effects of soil nitrogen:phosphorus ratio on growth rate of Artemisia ordosica seedlings

来源 :Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bgtbhu888
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To address how the ratios of nitrogen and phosphorus (N:P ratios) in soil affect plant growth, we performed a two-factor (soil available N:P ratios and plant density) randomized block pot experiment to examine the relationships between soil N:P ratios, and the N:P ratios and growth rate of Artemisia ordosica seedlings. Under moderate water stress and adequate nutrient status, both soil N:P and plant density influenced the N:P ratios and growth rates of A. ordosica. With the increase of soil N:P ratios, the growth rates of A. ordosica seedlings decreased significantly. With the increase of soil N:P ratios, N:P ratios in A. ordosica seedlings increased significantly. While the nitrogen concentrations in the plant increased slightly, the phosphorus concentrations significantly decreased. With the increase of plant density, the shoot N:P ratios and growth rates significantly decreased, which resulted from soil N:P ratios. Thus, soil N:P ratios influenced the N:P ratios in A. ordosica seedlings, and hence, influenced its growth. Our results suggest that, under adequate nutrient environment, soil N:P ratios can be a limiting factor for plant growth. To address how the ratios of nitrogen and phosphorus (N: P ratios) in soil affect plant growth, we performed a two-factor (soil available N: P ratios and plant density) randomized block pot experiment to examine the relationships between soil N: P ratios, and the N: P ratios and growth rate of Artemisia ordosica seedlings. Under moderate water stress and adequate nutrient status, both soil N: P and plant density influenced the N: P ratios and growth rates of A. ordosica. With the increase the soil N: P ratios, the growth rates of A. ordosica seedlings decreased significantly. With the increase of soil N: P ratios, N: P ratios in A. ordosica seedlings increased significantly. While the nitrogen concentrations in the plant increased slightly , the phosphorus concentration significantly decreased. With the increase of plant density, the shoot N: P ratios and growth rates significantly decreased, which resulted from soil N: P ratios. Thus, soil N: P ratios influenced the N: P ratios in A ordosica seedl ings, and hence, influenced its growth. Our results suggest that, under adequate nutrient environment, soil N: P ratio can be a limiting factor for plant growth.
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