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一谈到公司的招聘经理,深圳某大型制造公司的人力资源总监王伟就非常矛盾,“专业HR外包公司兴起后,这个职位就处于一个特别尴尬的地位。”王伟解释说,这二年由于生产线工人短缺、招聘难的现象层出不穷,整个人力资源部的人员尤其是招聘经理疲于奔命也难以保证工人的及时到岗。而专业HR公司的兴起正好解决了这个难题:他们拥有多种渠道,可以成批地给生产制造型企业输送工人。“一般来说,我们公司是与HR外包提供商签定协议,公司录用一个人付费多少来结算的。在开始阶段合作非常顺利,成本降低了,负责操办的招聘经理的工作轻松多了,整个人力资源部都松了一口气。”王伟说。几个月后,王伟在与同行的一次交流中获悉:招聘经理普遍都与外包公司串通,把招聘员额通过协议交给专业的招聘外包公司后,招聘经理从中提取一定的回扣。这已经是HR外包行业的常规。更有甚者,一些招聘经理经常明确告诉人才市场:没有回扣就不参加招聘会。王伟非常吃惊,才联想到自从选择外包公司以来就一直都没有变更过,而到人才市场的招聘却频频更换。难道这其中也有猫腻? 问题是,自己的招聘经理非常尽职,人员到岗非常顺利。私下的调查也没有证据表明外包的价格高于其他外包公司的报价。但这也不足以说明招聘经理就没有收取回扣。王伟如何才能预防招聘经理与外包公司串通、收取回扣呢? Speaking of the company’s hiring manager, a large manufacturing company in Shenzhen Wang Wei, director of human resources is very contradictory, “The rise of professional HR outsourcing company, the post is in a particularly awkward position.” Wang Wei explained that the past two years Due to the shortage of production line workers, the phenomenon of recruiting hard to emerge in an endless stream, the entire human resources department staff, especially the hiring of exhausted managers can not guarantee the timely arrival of workers. And the rise of professional HR companies solved this dilemma precisely: they had multiple channels to deliver workers in batches to manufacturing companies. “In general, our company has an agreement with an HR outsourcing provider that the company uses a person’s fee to pay for the settlement.” In the beginning, the cooperation went well and the cost was reduced. The hiring manager responsible for the operation was much easier, Human Resources Department are relieved. "Wang Wei said. A few months later, Wang Wei was informed during an exchange with her counterparts that hiring managers generally colluded with outsourcing companies to extract hiring rebates from their hiring managers by outsourcing hiring posts to specialized recruitment outsourcing companies. This is already a routine HR outsourcing industry. What’s more, some hiring managers often explicitly tell the talent market that job hunting is not done without a rebate. Wei was very surprised, only think of since the choice of outsourcing company has not been changed, but recruitment to the talent market has changed frequently. Is it also tricky? The problem is that his hiring manager is very dedicated, the staff arrived very smoothly. Private investigation also shows no evidence that outsourcing prices are higher than those of other outsourcing companies. However, this does not mean that the hiring manager will not charge a rebate. Wang Wei how to prevent hiring managers collusion with outsourcing companies, receive a rebate it?
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