In 1995 the national men’s basketball team (home and away games) competition February 5 respectively in Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenyang, Jinan, four cities began to catch the fight. As of April 9, will decide the home and away games 1-8. According to the competition rules of this competition, the top 6 teams in home and away games will become 1 to 6 teams of Grade A in 1995. The teams winning the 7th and 8th matches in home and away games will compete with the 9th grade of team A in 1994 To 12 (Jiangsu, Shandong, Shenyang Military Region, Zhejiang) in July this year (originally scheduled for April 12-16) play-offs in Hangzhou (single cycle), the first four of the play-off will be in 1995 Class A Team seventh, eight, nine, ten, play-off fifth and sixth will be reduced to the second division. In 1995 the B-League championship team will automatically become the 1995 Class A team. For this reason, we also make a brief introduction to the four teams participating in the play-offs.