Global asymptotic tracking of asymmetrical underactuated surface vessels with parameter uncertaintie

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wmxlg2008
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In this work,we investigate the tracking control problem of asymmetrical underactuated surface vessels with parameter uncertainties.The tracking error model is frst derived via appropriate coordinate transformations,and is considered as a cascade structure composed of two subsystems.The Lyapunov redesign approach is employed to construct the control laws separately to stabilize the two subsystems with unknown model parameters.The cascade system theory is applied to prove the global uniform asymptotic convergence of the state trajectory to the reference one provided the desired yaw velocity is not vanishing.The effectiveness of the proposed control laws is verifed by simulation examples. In this work, we investigate the tracking control problem of asymmetrical underactuated surface vessels with parameter uncertainties. Tracking error model is frst derived via appropriate coordinate transformations, and is considered as a cascade structure composed of two subsystems.The Lyapunov redesign approach is employed to construct the control laws separately to stabilize the two subsystems with unknown model parameters.The cascade system theory is applied to prove the global uniform asymptotic convergence of the state trajectory to the reference one provided the desired yaw velocity is not vanishing.The effectiveness of the proposed control laws is verifed by simulation examples.
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