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武威铁路分局张掖工务段岌岭养路领工区党支部以“带出高素质职工队伍,建成高标准示范线路”为目标,着力强化党支部的堡垒作用,带领19名党员和54名职工,大打“队伍素质、设备质量、安全管理”的攻坚战,推动了高标准“安全文明标准线”的建设,成为全分局“先进党支部”典型。苦干实干,“一班人”做表率岌岭养路领工区地处海拔2400多米的兰新复线第二“制高点”上,担负着岌岭至尖山间3个站区59公里铁路线路的养护维修任务,自然条件差,线路状况复杂,维修任务十分繁重。在艰苦的工作环境和艰巨的建线任务面前,这个党支部确立了“在艰苦地区用艰苦奋斗的作风艰苦创业,在铁路高地带高素质职工队伍建设高标准示范线路”的班子工作目标。两年多来,支委一班人在建线中冲在前,干在前,汗流在前,吃苦在前,常年下班组,整天上线路,用苦干实干的行动为职工群众树立起了榜样,做出了表率。支部委员、领工员李海民既当建线的指挥员,又当建线的战斗员,白天带领职工整线路,晚上回领工区搞内业,是领工区建线阵地上的头号忙人。有一阵,由于过度的劳累,他的坐骨骨质增生的老毛病重犯,痛得他连行走都困难。段上让他休息治疗,但他咬着牙坚持到秋鉴搞完才上了趟医院。支部委员、芨岭养路工区工长宗德玺,曾在老山的猫儿洞里落下了坐骨神经痛和关节炎的疾病,但在建线中从未因病耽误过工作。 With the goal of “bringing out high-quality workforce and establishing a high standard demonstration line”, the party branch of Wueling Railway Bureau Zhangye Public Works Linglin Road Maintenance and Construction District strived to strengthen the party branch’s fortress role and led 19 Party members and 54 workers, Striking on the “tough team quality, equipment quality, safety management,” the crucial battle, promoting a high standard of “safe and civilized standard line” building, a branch of the “Advanced Party Branch” typical. Hard work hard, “a group of people ” to do table setting Ridge Road maintenance area is located at an altitude of 2,400 meters above sea level of the second line of the “new high”, “responsible for the ridge to the Jianshan 3 station area 59 km railway Line maintenance and repair tasks, poor natural conditions, complex lines, maintenance tasks are very heavy. In the face of the difficult working environment and the arduous task of building a line, this party branch has set the goal of a team that ”arduously pioneered hard work in a hard-working area and built a high-standard demonstration line for building a high-quality workforce in a railway high zone." . In the past two years or so, a group of people in charge of the support team rushed forward and did their best in the line of construction. They sweat in the past, worked hard in the past, worked off the perennial team for work all day, and set up a line of work for the working masses with hard work and hard work Played a role model, made a model. Li Haimin, a member of the branch and a working staff, not only commanded the construction of the line, but also served as a fighter for the construction of the line. He led the workers through the entire route during the day and returned home to the work area at night for work. He was the number one busy lineman in the frontline construction area. For a time, due to over-exertion, his recurrence of sciatic bone hyperplasia was so painful that it was difficult for him to walk. Segment to let him rest treatment, but he held his teeth until the end of autumn Kam completed the trip to the hospital. Branch member, Chong Ling Road maintenance work area Zong Si Xi, Cassiar hole in the Laoshan fell sciatica and arthritis disease, but in the construction of the line has never been delayed due to work.
在超强激光辐照电容线圈靶产生强磁场实验中,在约50 ps时,线圈电流达到20 kA以上.通过该实验结果与磁场产生理论模型对比,可得出该导线电阻值比常温直流电阻高出3个量级.对导