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目的掌握楚雄市克山病患病情况及发病趋势,为制定防治对策、措施提供依据。方法按《中央转移支付资金克山病病情调查项目云南省技术方案》的要求,在病区7个乡(镇)32个历史行政重病村中每年抽取1个自然村以上(调查点),2005~2012年共对15个自然村居民进行克山病病情调查:对调查点3~65岁常住居民进行体格检查,12导联心电图描记,对可疑克山病患者摄距2 m心脏x线后前位胸正位片,克山病人诊断按《克山病诊断标》(WS/T201-2011);收集、汇总2005~2012年8年克山病发病、死亡,病例搜索结果和克山病人现患情况,对克山病病情进行描述性分析和判断。结果 8年累计居民病情调查7174人,检出克山病人共44例,其中慢型占29.5%(13/44),潜在型占70.5%(31/44),3~14岁检出7例,占15.9%(7/44),年度检出率在0.2%~1.9%之间,平均检出率为0.6%(44/7174);年度克山病发病率在0.27/10万~2.91/10万之间,年平均为1.53/10万(44/2 873 064);8年累计登记克山病人123例,克山病人死亡64人,死亡率为52.0%;扩张型心肌病人中筛查出成人克山病人79人,均为慢型;2012年现患(现存)克山病人112人,最大年龄81岁,最小年龄9岁。结论克山病病人虽以潜在型为主,但3~14岁克山病人仍占病情调查总检出病人的近五分之一,2012年克山病发病率为2.71/10万(10/367 734),接近2005年的水平(2.91/10万),以及从扩张型心肌病人中搜索出的成人克山病人存在,表明楚雄市病情总体趋于平稳或略有回升,克山病致病因子(因素)还没有根本消除。 Objective To understand the prevalence and trend of Keshan disease in Chuxiong City and provide the basis for making prevention and cure measures and measures. Methods According to the requirements of Yunnan Province Technical Plan for Keshan Disease Surveillance Project under the Central Government Transfer Payment Fund, one natural village or above (survey point) was collected annually in 32 historic villages with serious administrative problems in 7 townships (towns) of the ward, In 2012, a total of 15 KK residents were investigated for Keshan disease: physical examination and 12-lead electrocardiography were performed on residents aged 3 to 65 years at the survey site, Chest X-ray film, Keshan patient diagnosis according to “Keshan disease diagnostic standard” (WS / T201-2011); collected from 2005 to 2012 8 years Keshan disease incidence, death, case search results and Keshan patients are present Situation, Keshan disease conditions descriptive analysis and judgment. Results A total of 7174 residents were surveyed over the past 8 years. A total of 44 cases of Keshan patients were detected, of which 29.5% (13/44) were slow, 70.5% (31/44) were potential and 7 (3-14 years) were detected , Accounting for 15.9% (7/44), the annual detection rate was between 0.2% and 1.9%, the average detection rate was 0.6% (44/7174); the annual incidence rate of Keshan disease was 0.27 / 100,000 to 2.91 / The average annual was 1.53 / 100000 (44/2 873 064). In the past 8 years, 123 cases of Keshan patients were registered, 64 cases of Keshan patients died, the death rate was 52.0%. Among the patients with dilated cardiomyopathy, Keshan patients out of 79 people, are slow; in 2012 (existing) Keshan patients 112 people, the maximum age of 81 years, the youngest age of 9 years. Conclusion Although Keshan disease patients are predominately latent, Keshan patients aged from 3 to 14 still account for nearly one fifth of the total number of patients. In 2012, the incidence of Keshan disease was 2.71 / 100000 (10 / 367 734), approaching the level of 2005 (2.91 per 100 000), and the presence of adult Keshan patients searched from dilated cardiomyopathy patients, indicating that the overall condition of Chuxiong City has tended to stabilize or slightly rebound. Keshan disease Factor (factor) has not been eliminated at all.
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