Coordinated peak expression of MMP-26 and TIMP-4 in preinvasive human prostate tumor

来源 :Cell Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smileman
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The identification of novel biomarkers for early prostate cancer diagnosis is highly important because early detectionand treatment are critical for the medical management of patients.Disruption in the continuity of both the basal celllayer and basement membrane is essential for the progression of high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN)to invasive adenocarcinoma in human prostate.The molecules involved in the conversion to an invasive phenotype arethe subject of intense scrutiny.We have previously reported that matrix metalloproteinase-26 (MMP-26) promotes theinvasion of human prostate cancer cells via the cleavage of basement membrane proteins and by activating the zymogenform of MMP-9.Furthermore,we have found that tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-4 (TIMP-4) is the most potentendogenous inhibitor of MMP-26.Here we demonstrate higher (p<0.0001) MMP-26 and TIMP-4 expression in HGPINand cancer,compared to non-neoplastic acini.Their expression levels are highest in HGP1N,but decline in invasive cancer(p<0.001 for each) in the same tissues.Immunohistochemical staining of serial prostate cancer tissue sections suggestscolocalization of MMP-26 and TIMP-4.The present study indicates that MMP-26 and TIMP-4 may play an integral roleduring the conversion of HGPIN to invasive cancer and may also serve as markers for early prostate cancer diagnosis.
这几年,丈夫养成一个习惯:每天晚上八点左右给他的老妈打个电话。“妈,今天吃的啥,身体没事吧?去跳广场舞了吗?照顾好自己……”每天都是那几句话,连我都背熟了,他说一句,我立马能接出下面所有的话。  有一天,丈夫又给老妈打电话,照旧是那几句。我忍不住了:“你就不能来点儿创意吗?天天都是这几句话,也不烦,就像录音机录下来的,连语调都差不多。”  丈夫很惊讶:“怎么会像录音机录下来的呢?我说的时候,都是在
女,1 6/(12)岁。因咳嗽、气急一天入院。咳嗽于夜间加剧,伴气急、烦燥不安、鼻塞,二眼多量黄色分泌物,无发热。病儿系足月顺产儿。体检:T37.8℃、HR160次/分、R60次/分。神
非常岁月和家人不离不弃  时间回溯到66年前的江城武汉,正在热火朝天筹建中的315厂(武汉钢铁厂的前身),迎来一位眼波流转、俏丽活泼的俄罗斯姑娘。  姑娘叫伊丽娜·亚科立夫娜·契高特柯娃,出生在苏联巴斯吉尼亚。8岁那年,她随家人来到列宁格勒求学。中专毕业后,留在列宁格勒打工的她十分喜欢跳舞,每个周末都要到表弟所在的学校参加舞会,她在这里遇到了中国公派留学生邱永言。  初次见面,大自己3岁的伊丽娜的
Background: Recurrence after treatment of stage I-II melanoma involves regional lymph nodes in about 50%of patients. A reliable method is needed to evaluate lym