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“控带山河,踞天下之肩背。”“襟四塞之要冲,控五原之都邑。”古人对太原的描述颇显了其占据九朝古都的兵戎印象。如今的太原,倒更有一番人文胜刀枪的韵味。熙熙攘攘的街道上公交车秩序井然,到站时与站台间保持着最亲近的距离。还有那悠闲穿行在大街小巷的公共自行车,他们轻盈敏捷,骑行者包括男女老少,或结对或独行,三三两两,好不热闹。本期公交万里行,我们一起走进太原公交,感受古城的绿色与乐趣。 “Control with the mountains and rivers, entrenched in the world shoulder. ” “Four laps of the impending bluff, control of the five original cities. ” The ancients on the description of Taiyuan quite occupied the military occupation of nine ancient dynasties impression. Today, Taiyuan, down more a charm of humanity victory sword. Buses in the bustling streets of the orderly, arrival station with the station to maintain the closest distance. And leisurely walking through the streets of public bicycles, they are light and agile, riders, including men, women and children, or twin or alone, in twos and threes, very lively. This issue of public transport miles, we came into the bus together in Taiyuan, the green city and feel the fun.
松花蛋亦称皮蛋或变蛋,因腌制时外面裹有厚泥,食用时甚为不便.食时,必须先将厚泥磕掉、洗净,再仔细剥壳,免得弄脏或弄碎 Songhua also known as preserved eggs or eggs, bec
“千金不须买画图,听我长歌歌鉴湖”读了陆放翁咏其家乡绍兴的诗句,谁不想去绍兴游览呢,更何况我母亲祖籍就是 “The daughter does not need to buy drawing, listen to m
宁波名菜,由来已久.相传在公元221年,秦始皇统一六国后,曾南巡到会稽,吃过冰鲜 Ningbo dishes, a long time. According to legend in 221 AD, the Qin Shi Huang unified
第二次世界大战期间,斯大林同志曾邀请中国的高级指挥员去苏联考察战事并参与运 During World War II, Comrade Stalin once invited senior Chinese commanders to visit
在醴泉县农村,还有一种招待客人的别致面食,招待女婿和贵客的“涎水面”更是令人叫绝. In the Liquan County countryside, there is also a chic pasta entertain guests,
出国前,在王震同志家里,王老给我讲过他和廖公承志两次吃“牛排”的故事.第一次在 Before going abroad, at the home of Comrade Wang Zhen, Wang Lao told me that he an
我院自1 990年1月—2 0 0 2年1 2月收治阴茎癌4 6例,1 995年以后31例均在术中行无选择性双侧腹股沟淋巴结活检,并对淋巴结活检阳性患者行双侧髂腹股沟淋巴清扫术,取得较好疗
一、福州光饼,很有特色.小小的圆饼,中间留一小孔,系用面粉和一点点盐烘烤而成.这光饼一直是当地人民最喜爱的食品之一. One, Fuzhou cake, very unique Small round cake,
我家住在兰州,近年来北京填鸭也在我们这里出售,想自做烤鸭,可不知方法。听人说: My family lives in Lanzhou, Beijing duck in recent years, we are also selling here, want